17- Trouble Is...

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Leo's POV

I couldn't remember a thing. All I know was that I started to feel sick during my meditation, but just ignored it. We can't get sick. Well I was wrong. It got worse and I'm not sure what happened after that. What I do know is my eyelids feel like lead.

I struggled to open my eyes, and when I did I found that I was lying on Y/n's bed, covered carefully by a thin sheet. I attempted to get up but I couldn't. I frowned. That was odd. The door opened just as I tried to get up again.

"No no nononono," said Y/n as she ran and pushed me back down by the plastron. I didn't resist. I was so tired. She frowned and felt my forehead, while I felt myself lean into her cool hand. "You have to stay laying down," she whispered, not removing her hand.

"What happened?" I asked her weakly. She sighed and out her hand in her lap.

"Well, Donnie complained about a headache, so did Raph, and now they're both sick and in bed. I came to see Mikey and we were talking before you stumbled out from my room and passed out in the hallway," she rubbed her temples. "The trouble is I don't know what's wrong." I hesitated before grabbing her one hand in my own. She looked at me surprised.

"Thank you," I said quietly. She just gave a tight smile and squeezed my hand in reassurance.

"It'll be okay."

Your POV

When you came out of Leo's room, you sighed. The normally strong and collected leader looked horribly sick and weak. Mikey was stirring the soup when you came out.

"Hey," he greeted. "Is he okay?" You shook your head.

"Not really. He looks like shell and honestly, he seems to be getting hit harder than Donnie," you frowned.

"Well the soups almost done. Do you think we should put Donnie and Raph up here so it's easier to take care of them without having to run up and down the stairs?" Suggested Mikey. You blinked at him. That actually wasn't a bad idea. Then you wouldn't have to keep going up and down the stairs to help Raph.

"Actually, yes. Are you able to help Raph out here? I'll put him on the couch, Donnie on the air mattress and Leo can stay where he is."

"Got it dudette," said Mikey before disappearing downstairs to get Raph. You knocked gently on Donnies door and went in. He looked a bit worse but was awake. He gave you a small smile.

"Hey Don," you said gently, going over to him.

"Hey," he said. You felt his forehead. He wasn't getting any hotter which was good. It was times like this you were glad you worked in a hospital.

"Do you think you can stand up for me? I'm gonna help you to the front room so Mikey and I can keep an eye on you." He nodded. "Okay just give me a second to move the air mattress," you said. After successfully moving it to the living room and lining it with a fuzzy blanket, you helped the purple banded turtle out of bed and to the living room.

Like Leo, he was having a hard time staying upright, and leaning a lot of his weight onto you. You got to the living room to see Mikey basically lifting Raph into the couch bed. He shot you a smile before finishing up with Raph and coming to help you. Although you were strong, Mikey and the others were definitely stronger than you. After getting them both settled, you and Mikey escaped to the kitchen.

"What I don't understand is how you aren't sick," you said to Mikey.

"Cause I'm super man dawg," he replied. You giggled. You knew he was trying to keep the mood light and that was probably the only thing keeping you from going crazy.

"But really. Why are those three sick and not you?" He shrugged.

"I don't know. Donnie usually is the one with the medical smarts," he said, getting some bowls and spoons out. You helped him with pouring the soup into dishes and then some cool water to cool them down.

"Do you got Donnie?" Mikey nodded and grabbed a bowl to feed to Donnie. You grabbed one for Raph and went to him, only to find the big turtle staring up at you. You smiled at him.

"You're awake," you stated. He chuckled.

"I smelled something' good," he said. You helped him sit up, shell resting on the back of the couch and Mikey did the same with Donnie. They both ate about half a bowl, with your coaxing, then both said that they were full. That was odd, because the boys always ate a ton. Then you grabbed Leo's and went into his room. Leo was by far the worse, with Donnie and Raph not being as bad. You were still unsure why Mikey wasn't sick. Yet.

You quietly entered to see Leo sleeping again. You felt bad for waking him up, but sat on the bed next to him and gently touched his arm. He stirred, opening his eyes a little and looking around the room until they settled on you. He closed them again and gave a weak smile. It killed you to see any of the boys like this, but especially Leo. He looked way worse than he did half an hour ago.

"Leo. You have to sit up. I have some soup for you," you said gently. He barely responded, just let out a noise that resembled a little whimper. You helped him sit up as best as he could then fed him some of the soup slowly. He ate even less than the other two, and that worried you. If he didn't get some food and fluid in him soon, that could cause some problems. Especially dehydration.

"Come on Leo. Just a bit more," you coaxed him. He shook his head and gently pushed your hand away, struggling to lift his arm, before closing his eyes and leaning his head against the headboard. You sighed and put the bowl on the nightstand, then helped him lie back down. He only opened one eye to look at you.

Leo's POV

Shell. She must think I'm a wimp. Did I just WHIMPER when she told me to get up? I don't know what's wrong with me. This sucks.

The soup was good, don't get me wrong, it just made me feel sick after eating a bit. I opened one eye after hearing a deep sigh from Y/n. She helped me lie down again and I looked at her. She looked tired, her head in her hands when she sat back down on the edge of the bed. Probably from running around and taking care of us all. I wonder how my brothers were doing? She rubbed her face and looked back up at me. I couldn't even move my arm to reach out to her.

"Y/n?" My voice almost scared myself. It was croaky and sickly sounding. She looked at me, those beautiful (e/c) eyes wary and sad. "Take care of the others for me." She forced a smile and grabbed my hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with her thumb.

"Don't worry. You'll be able to take care of them yourself soon," It felt good, calming, the way she rubbed my hand. She saw my eyelids flutter and breathed a laugh, then started humming a soft song. I couldn't hold on anymore, and let sleep take me again.

Well damn. Leo's not doing too well. Let's hope Donnie and you can figure out a way to help them.

Next chapter should be out today!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now