4- Answers-Raph

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Your POV

After finally getting to sleep at 7am last night, you woke up at 10 to the sound of a still sleeping house. You stayed sprawled on the couch for a few more minutes, letting yourself wake up and think some more about your theory of why the turtles were here.

You had just written about them disappearing into the portal, but not where they popped out. Could my writing be what's controlling them?? You thought to yourself. Then you shook the thought out of your head and sat up. Even though you only got three hours of sleep, you weren't all that tired. Yet. You would probably crash later today. So instead, you decided to make a protein shake and go on a quick run since the boys weren't up yet.

You folded in the couch and put away the blankets so you all had somewhere to sit. Then for your next mission. Clothes. Peeking into your room where Leo was still passed out, you slowly opened the door and dug out an outfit for your run. It just consisted of a dark blue tank with black leggings. Then you turned to look back at the turtle still sleeping on your bed. You saw the think blanket over him slowly move up and down with his breathing and you noticed his mask and chest plate leaned up by the nightstand. You were tempted to look at him without the mask, but decided against it. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable. When you finished changing in the bathroom, you grabbed a pair of runners and made your shake. But you felt oddly as if you were being watched. You turned and stifled a squeal when you saw Raph standing behind you, watching what you were doing.

"Raph!" You whisper yelled at him. "Don't do that you scared the shell out of me," he chuckled and then pointed to your drink.

"Whatcha got there," he said as quiet as the big turtle could. You lifted up the mug and shook it.

"Protein shake. I haven't eaten anything since last night and I was going to go for a run. But since you're up I'll stay here with you so you aren't bored." Then you noticed how he looked at the cup in your hand and smiled. "Did you want one?" He shrugged.

"Are they any good?" You smiled and went to grab the powder.

"I'm assuming you'll like it because you're a health nut. Chocolate or vanilla?" He smirked and pointed at yours.

"I assume that's vanilla, so I'll just have that. If it's not too much trouble," he added quickly. You giggled.

"It's fine. So how's the arm?" He grunted in response.

"Fine thanks to you. It wasn't that bad ya know." You turned to him as he walked slowly around the kitchen, inspecting your house. The boys probably didn't get a good look at it since it was dark so you let him wander and put his shake in a glass. Handing it to him, he took it and nodded. "Thank you," he said politely in his deep Brooklyn accent and you smiled.

"So what are you doing up this early?" He shrugged and took a sip of the drink, eyes widening at the flavour.

"Usually I train, so I wake up at the same time every day. This is actually late for me." He said in his gruff voice. "And this is very good," he pointed to the glass. You drank some of yours then looked at him. You broke the silence after a few minutes

"So since Donnie kinda took over the questions last night, so you have any for me?" He thought about it for a moment before shaking his head no. You raised an eyebrow.

"Unless you have the answer why Mikey is always so annoyin' then I'm fine," he shrugged, giving a small smirk. You laughed and shook your head, thinking of a quick answer.

"Ah he loves you guys. He does it to ease the tension which sometimes I think you all appreciate in your own, different ways," and Raph nodded a little. You saw him open and close his mouth as if he had something else to say. "What?"

"Do-... nah this is stupid," he grumbled. You put a hand on his shoulder.

"Raph. What's wrong?"

He sighed. "I know I have a temper. And since you've seen us ya probably already know that. But do the others-... do they ever think I'm a burden? With my temper and all ya know?" He asked softly. You felt kinda bad for the big softy.

"Raph look at me," you commanded and he slowly met your eyes. "Never once have they thought you were a burden. They love you with all their hearts, and they couldn't do this without you. And although Leo and the others but heads with you, it's just because they love you and are scared of you getting hurt. Leo especially. I don't think he could ever do this without you. You keep him tough, he keeps you grounded." At the end of it, Raph was looking down again. You tipped your head down to meet his eyes. For as much of a temper as he had, and as tough as he was, in reality he was what you said. Just a big softy. Placing Raph and your own drinks down you gently grabbed him in a hug and felt the hug turtle tense under you. Then he relaxed and hugged you back.

"Thank you," he whispered in your ear. You nodded and let him go, looking at him in the eyes.

"Never think that they don't love you," you whispered. He nodded and gave a smile. Then you leaned back on the couch and talked with Raph about everything and anything until the next turtle woke up.

Aww. As much of a Leo fan as I am, Raph is just so sweet. He's just a big softy under that tough exterior. Hope you are enjoying so far!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now