7- Answers- Donnie

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Your POV

You knocked softly on the spare bedroom door where Donnie still was. You heard some bangs and quick footsteps come to the door and you giggled, knowing how clumsy Donnie could be. Then the door opened just a crack and you were met by only the bright brown-red eyes of Donnie. He jumped when he saw you and opened the door all the way.

"Oh-... ummm-... good morning," he said politely. You held up one of the plates and he smiled.

"I come bearing gifts. Can I come in?" He nodded.

"By all means. It is your house you know," and that made you laugh as you sat on the bed, handing him one of the plates. You looked at the disassembled metal pieces on the floor and pointed to them.

"What are you working on?" Donnie paused, fork halfway to his mouth. He stared at you and you stared back, confused. "What?"

"You-... you actually want to know what I'm working on?" He asked softly. You smiled at his shyness.

"Of course! You're a literal genius that's living in my house. I'm going to take advantage of that," you said taking a bite of pancake. His brown eyes stayed wide beneath his glasses and a huge smile broke out. You knew the others never wanted to hear about Donnie's inventions, and you weren't too bad with machines and electronics yourself, so why not get Donnie to trust you?

"Well this is actually something I've been trying to work on and it just so happens that I brought it with me to fight the Kraang. Of course it still needs some tweaking and it's just for blending in-..." he hesitated and you raised an eyebrow. "Well-... it's actually a watch," he said and you got excited. He saw you smile and then he too got excited at the fact that someone liked his invention.

"Tell me what it does!" You squealed. He laughed and gave a happy smile.

"Well it's a data transferring watch, basically like a full computer on your wrist. It can hold music, call, text, basically anything a phone or computer can do." You clapped and he gave another shy smile. "Just a really jacked up computer with holographic imaging, and capabilities way beyond normal technology,"

"Donnie that's genius! But-..." you said thoughtfully. He cocked his head. You thought of another story you had read, where Donnie was able to create a humanizing watch. He had the basic layout of it already, and since they would be here for a while, you may as well help them blend in. You grinned.

"I have an idea to make it even better."

Time skip~ 2 hours

After two hours of talking, planning and eating pancakes, Donnie and you were sitting on the floor and starting on the watch. You were just rewiring something, when you noticed Donnie wasn't moving, the metal pieces in his hands sat still and his eyes were looking at the ground. You frowned and put down the wires you were holding.

"Donnie? Donnie. Donnie!!" You yelled, finally breaking him from his thoughts. He jumped a little and looked at you. You smiled a little and stared at him. "Are you okay?" He nodded but was still frowning. You sighed and reached for the pieces in his hands, grabbing them and setting them down with the rest. "Alright genius. What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just-..." he stopped. You kept looking at him but he wouldn't look you in the eyes. "I just feel so helpless. I don't know what happened to us, where we are, or how to get back to our world. Not that staying with you is bad," he added quickly. You gave a sad smile and grabbed his hand, making him look up at you in surprise.

"Don't worry about it. It will all work out eventually. You'll figure something out, I know it. But for now, you guys have a place to stay, somewhere to sleep, and a friend who will help you as best as she can." He kept looking at you and you looked at the door, thinking about the others still out in your living room. "So I've been answering any questions that your brothers had, so now it's your turn. Ask away. I'll answer anything I can," you said. Donnie thought for a moment then nodded.

"Do you have somewhere I could go to get more materials for these watches?" You nodded and gave directions to the nearest junkyard.

"If you need something that you can't find there, I can get stuff for you at the store." He shook his head.

"You don't have to do that. You've helped us so much already." You smiled.

"I know. But I'll help you for as long as you're here." Donnie finally cracked a genuine smile and you both started working on the watch again, Donnie asking sporadic questions, most of which you could answer. Then he did what Leo did. Asked about your family.

"So why do you live here by yourself? This is a big house." You nodded in agreement. You did have a large house, with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a garage, a huge kitchen and living room, and a beautiful backyard filled with flowers, a pool in the center of it with chairs and plants around it. You looked down and felt him staring at you. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" You nodded curtly.

"I'll explain everything when we go out with the rest of your brothers." Then you frowned. "Speaking of your brothers, it's oddly quiet out there. Should I be worried?" Donnie laughed and then got up, holding out a hand to help you up.

"Knowing them, yeah you should probably be worried." You both laughed and went out to the living room, where the three brothers were doing the dishes from breakfast. You grinned as you walked toward them, Donnie on your heels with the plates from the food you brought him. Raph was putting away plates as Mikey washed and Leo dried. They all turned when they heard you and greeted Donnie. Though you noticed Leo kept his eyes on you. You tried your best not to look at his piercing blue eyes, but you glanced his way once, earning a blush from both of you.

Leo's POV

I heard some of Y/n's conversation with Donnie. She seemed to be very good with him, and with the others as well. She knew how to deal with each of us separately. She knew how to keep Raph calm, stay just as playful as Mikey, and kept Donnie calm and was interested in his projects. She really was amazing. I watched her closely as she came out of the spare room with Donnie, both smiling. I loved the way her eyes lit up when she smiled and her hair glinted in the sunlight.

I didn't realize I was watching her until she made eye contact with me, and I quickly looked away, feeling myself blush. I'm not sure what was happening, but all I knew was that she was amazing. An that I was quite possibly falling for her.

Oh shell-...

Ooohhhhhh snap. He's falling for ya. Let's see where this goes shall we?

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now