12- One Watch Down

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Your POV

After a half day of kicking the boys shells and teaching them some new moves, you all went upstairs, tired and sore from the hours of training. You were in the middle of changing in your room when a soft knock sounded at the door. You quickly tugged the shirt you had over your head and opened the door. Donnie was standing there, red-brown eyes glinting with excitement.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "Are you busy?" You shook your head.

"What's up Donnie?" He looked at you and you could almost see him vibrating excitedly.

"I did it," he whispered, voice higher than normal. You felt your your energy immediately replenish.

"Wait-... you're serious?" You said. He nodded vigorously. "Donnie that's fantastic!!" You jumped into his arms for a hug and he spun you around laughing. When he put you back down on the floor you stared at him expectantly. "Well?" You asked.

"OH," he said. "Right. Let's go," he started walking quickly to the guest bedroom, making you jog to keep with the tall turtles long strides. You passed Leo who gave a confused look and you shot him a smile before slamming the guest room door. Donnie had the watch already on his wrist and was fiddling with a switch.

"I was going to tell you this morning. I spent all night working on it." You raised an eyebrow disapprovingly. He shrugged and gave a small blush. Adjusting his glasses, he looked at you and grinned. "But you know-... you were a bit preoccupied kicking all of our shells." You laughed and fidgeted nervously.

"Alright. Let's do this," you said. Donnie nodded and went to turn on the watch. "WAIT," you shouted, startling the genius turtle. "Shouldn't you have a spare set of clothes to put on once you become human?" Donnie thought for a moment.

"Umm-... that's probably a good idea." You nodded and thought about where you would get clothes for the boys.

"I'll be back," you said running out of the room. You grabbed your car keys and sprinted out the door, on a mission to get new clothes for the boys, and earning a confused look from Leo.

Time skip- 2 hours

You reappeared later, both of your arms filled with four bags from raiding the men's department at the nearest clothing store, one for each of the turtles. You decided that you would take the boys shopping later so they could pick out whatever they wanted, but this would do for now. Leo and Raph saw you walk in and looked at you odd.

"What?" You asked. Raph just shrugged and went to the basement and Leo frowned a little.

"Y/n? What's going on?" He asked curiously. You laughed evilly.

"You will see soon enough, fearless," you yelled over your shoulder as you went back to see Donnie. When you got to the bedroom, Donnies eyes widened when he saw how much stuff you had.

"Whoa Y/n. Does the store have anything left?" He asked sarcastically, coming to help grab some bags from your arms.

"Ha ha." You said dryly. "Okay now we're ready." He nodded and you grabbed a blanket from the bed, holding it to his waist. "Just a precaution," you said quickly and Donnie laughed. Now for the moment of truth. He took a deep breath and turned a switch on the watch. You covered your eyes with one hand when a bright white light encased him. When the light subsided, you turned to see a half naked boy standing in place of Donnie with his glasses sideways on his face. You gawked. For a human, Donnie looked GOOD. His signature red-brown eyes shone and he had darker brown hair. He was still really tall and lean, but he was covered in very lean muscle. He tipped his glasses onto his face properly and when he saw his hand, he froze.

"It worked," he whispered. You nodded slightly, still in shock and he turned his hand around, examining up his arm, mouth agape.

"Donnie-... it worked. It WORKED!! You're a genius!!" You said hopping up and down. Then he noticed he wasn't wearing any clothes. He clutched the blanket tighter around his waist and blushed. "OH," you said, quickly turning around and covering your eyes. You pointed to a bag and heard him rustling around.

"That's your bag," you said.

"Thanks," he whispered. After a few minutes, he told you it was fine to turn around. You turned and looked closely at him. You had gotten him a dark purple t-shirt that complimented his eyes and reminded you of his mask, and paired it with a simple pair of jeans. He gave a shy smile and you saw his little gap. You squealed and hugged him again as he laughed and hugged you back.

"Donnie-..." you said stepping back. "This is amazing." You stared up at him and he smiled again. You pointed to a full length mirror on the closet door and took him over to it. He looked at his reflection, turning around to get a look at everything. He touched his fluffy hair hesitantly and moved it around, examining every new feature about himself. You saw his eyes well with tears.

"I can't believe it worked," he whispered. "All I've ever wanted was to be human. To have people not think I'm a freak. And now-..." he stopped when his voice broke. To see him so happy brought tears to your eyes and you squeezed his hand, turning him to face you. You sat the tall boy on the bed and wiped a stray tear that fell under his glasses.

"Although this is amazing, you were perfect before." He nodded and then laughed again.

"This is all thanks to you Y/n. So thank you. So much." He said. You nodded and gave him another hug. Then you bounced up, pulling him with you.

"We have to go show your brothers." You tugged him out into the main room, where you were met by silence.

"Maybe the basement?" Suggested Donnie. You nodded and went down. Raph was training yet again, Leo was meditating quietly and Mikey was watching TV.

"Hey guys. Look," you said pulling Donnie in front of you. The room went quiet before all three of the others went into action, grabbing their weapons and pointing them at Donnies throat in a second.

"Who are you?" Growled Leo. You pushed the tip of his katana away from frightened Donnies throat.

"WHOA. Settle down there fearless. Donnie?" you said looking at him. He had moved to hide behind you. "Why don't you tell your brothers what you accomplished?" The boys lowered their weapons slightly.

"Umm-... hi?" Said Donnie quietly.

"Donnie?" They all chorused, confusion flicking past all their faces. Mikey spoke first.

"Umm-... dudes? That human has the same name as Donnie." Leo sighed in defeat and Raph hit him on the head.

"That is Donnie numbskull," growled Raph.

"Ohhhh.... I still don't get it." He said. The three others sighed and looked at him.

"Shut up Mikey!"

Niceee. Now we're getting somewhere. Next up is finishing the other watches and making the others human!

If you want the boys to look different, you can imagine them however you want! This is just how I imagined Donnie, but this is your story so you decide!

Next chapter will probably be out tonight or tomorrow!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now