24- Splinter

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Your POV

You sat across the table from the rat master and he stroked his beard.

"I must thank you again for saving my sons. Although they are mature and know how to defend themselves from their enemy, they do not know enough about life on the surface." He said. You nodded.

"I helped Donnie build some watches for them. It can turn them human for a few hours. Just to help them blend in while they were on my world. I also saw how they acted in the real world. They are just excited. Honestly, Mikey was the most calm out of them when he first went to the surface."

"Ah Michelangelo," chuckled Splinter. "A good spirit," he said. You giggled as well. Then he turned serious again. "Did they do well as humans?"

"I mean, it was their first time on the surface in the daytime. They wanted to see everything they could. I took them to a store for some human clothes. They did well fitting in, but it's still going to be a while before they're fully adjusted."

"Hmmm. So how experienced are you in martial arts? If you were able to beat my sons with ease, then I would assume you know more than you let on," he said, slightly amused.

"Well, it was actually you who inspired me to get into martial arts," you admitted shyly. He had a surprised look on his eyes. "My parents always wanted me to know how to defend myself, so I started to study karate, ninjitsu, judo, aikido, mixed martial arts, and hapkido." Splinters dark eyes went wider than normal. "The way you taught and how graceful and expert you were is really what got me into it."

"Well my child. That is most impressive and humbling. Maybe you can help me with training my sons," he said and you blushed at the praise. "But onto another matter. I can see the way Leonardo looks at you. It seems he has taken quite a liking to you." You blushed again.

"Yes Master," you admitted.

"Do not worry my child." He chuckled. "Just be careful with Leonardo. He does not yet fully understand his emotions, although he can keep them in check. He will be timid and shy, not always realizing how he feels. And that is where you will come in. You will help him grow in many ways," he said. You nodded in understanding. "He is also under an extreme amount of pressure as leader, which I assume you already know. He will repress emotions unlike Raphael, and that makes his stress even worse. But, I can sense the good in your spirit. I can tell you and him will be a good pair."

"Thank you Master Splinter," you stood and bowed. He nodded back and you smiled and left the sitting area, leaving him to stroke his beard thoughtfully again.

As you walked into the living room, you could hear the boys cleaning out your room. You stood with your arms crossed against the wall across from the door and watched as they threw trash out of the room and into bags, cleaning everything up as much as they could. Donnie spotted you and snuck away from his brothers.

"Hey!" He greeted. "So how did the talk with Splinter go?" He asked. You smiled.

"It was like talking to a literal god." You answered making Donnie laugh. He adjusted his glasses, then looked at his brothers, all still working.

"Do you wanna go see my lab?" He asked shyly.

"Umm yea?! Is that even a question?" You replied. He chuckled and waved you to a door at the far side of the lair. You walked into the room to find papers, diagrams, a bunch of computer screens, beakers and chemicals all strewn about in a messy yet very tidy lab. Donnie sat in his computer chair and opened his arms around to point at everything.

"Welcome to the lab," he said dramatically. You just looked at everything he had in awe.

"You know, for someone who lives in the sewer, you sure have crapload of fancy equipment down here," you complimented. He blushed.

"Y-yeah. Well the others always collect stuff for me when we go on patrol. And the junkyard has a lot of great stuff from labs all over town."

"Well I have to say, this is fantastic," you said continuing to wander around.

"Thank-..." a crash made both of you jump.

"Ahhh Mikey! I'm gonna kill ya!" You heard Raph yell and Donnie facepalmed and rubbed his eyes under his glasses while he sighed. You giggled and Donnie just shook his head before standing up and tugging on your arm to go back to see what had happened. Raph was chasing Mikey around the room, something odd looking on his head. It looked like a stuffed animal, but broken and leaking stuffing everywhere. Leo was leaning against the doorframe shaking his head. When he caught sight of you, he gave an apologetic smile before trying to separate Raph and Mikey.

"Does this happen a lot?" You whispered to Donnie. He nodded and leaned down to your height.

"Sadly yes," he whispered back and that made you laugh. You watched Leo struggle to separate them for about five minutes before you went over and stood near them, putting your fingers to your mouth and letting out a piercing whistle. They all froze and looked at you, while you stood with your hand on your hip.

"Who wants to go get some paint for my room with me?" You said calmly and they all perked up. You giggled and looked at Donnie who had an amused expression. "Do you have Raph's watch?" He nodded and then reached into a pouch on his belt, grabbing it and throwing it to you. You caught it and held it out to Raph.

"Come on, red. Let's go," you said walking away. They all stared after you before Raph quickly got up and followed.

"You three can continue. Well be back later," you called and they all said goodbye as you and Raph walked out of the lair, Raph putting on his watch as you walked.

"So ah-... w-why did you want me to go out with ya?" Asked Raph as you reached the manhole cover. You smirked.

"Thought you could use a few moments away from Mikey." You said and he chuckled. "And also I need someone to carry all those cans of paint and equipment I'm buying," his chuckle turned into a small groan as he opened the cover and peeked out. When he was happy no one was there, he turned on his watch and helped you out of the sewer. You looked at a map on your phone and located the nearest hardware store.

"Alright red. Let's go."

On a roll with the updates again today:)

Only a few more chapters left!!

XX Shadow

Stuck In Reality (Book 1) TMNT 2014/2016- Leo x Reader eventuallyWhere stories live. Discover now