"Well, uh, you see, this shop has been unused for a long time now."

"Yes, we know" I said.

"It belonged to a couple, but it seems like they sold it, and now it's under someone else, but it hasn't been claimed yet. It's been unoccupied for almost 90 years."

The man didn't seem to understand himself the situation.

"Normally, if a local has been without use for that long, we take care of it and auction it eventually, however, I don't quite understand the status of this one." He scratched his head, not being able to understand the reason why the shop was practically abandoned and not taken care of by themselves.

"I understand" Hyunjin told the man. "May we know the current owner's name?"

The man took a look back at the records and replied, still confused.

"Hwang Hyunjin and Shin Aeri" he read. "I'm confused as to why we have never heard of these people. They even might not be alive by now, I mean, the ownership changed too long ago and nobody showed up."

As I was about to take out my documents from my bag, out of pure impulse, Hyunjin stopped me, grabbing my hand. I looked at him confused.

"We appreciate your time and the provided information." He bowed to the man and turned to leave.

"Were you interested in buying the shop, young man?" The man asked.

"We were just curious, that's all! Thank you so much, good evening."

He almost dragged me outside and started walking back to the apartment.

"Why didn't you tell the truth?!" I questioned him, really unable to understand his actions. He faced me with the biggest smile ever, laughing.

"It's ours! We own it!"

"Even more so! Why didn't you let me identify?"

"We can't just ask for that shop, Aeri. It belongs to us, unbeliavably, yes, but think about it. Right now we're just students, well, you are. They'll make us pay taxes and all that stuff right away."

"Hmmm, you're right actually. But what are we going to do about it? We can't just leave it there, can we?"

"No, but if it hasn't been taken after so long, I'm sure it'll wait a little longer. Remember some things happen to us just because." He chuckled.

I agreed with him and decided to wait. I actually don't know exactly what are we waiting, but we are. Maybe in the future I could open the shop based on my studies, about anything, or he could use it for something he wants, we'll just wait.

Back at home, we took a shower, yes, together again. We just can't stop. We changed into comfortable clothes and had dinner later.

"Have you told your parents I'm staying with you?" He smirked.

"No, but I'm sure they won't have a problem. After my mom bought me pills back in school just because I was hanging out with you, I think she'll even be happy about it. She just loves you so much"

He smiled and hugged me, letting me know he appreciated me and my family too, and that was beautiful. I loved the way he behaved towards us.

"That reminds me!" I jumped out of his arms, "you have a letter to write! What are you waiting for?"

"Ugh I don't know Aeri, I just don't know how to approach her."

"Hyunjin, I know it's been a roaler coaster, but it's not like it's been 20 years, so just let your heart speak for you. Tell her how happy you feel to know about her and how much you miss her."

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