~Chapter 43~

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Aeri's POV:

Unusually, I woke up really early, around 6 am. These past days, between stablishing my stuff and fixing college papers and matters, I've been waking up late, out of pure tiredness, and even though I went to sleep really late last night, I still woke up early.

It's Saturday, today I'm meeting with Minho for lunch. I got out of bed and got ready. Yes, I know it's still really early, but it's better to be fresh and ready now than getting lazy later.

I went to take a morning walk to the beach, to refresh my mind a little bit, and also to check the actual location of the cliff. I didn't live close to it, but I could still see it from my window.

In fact, it was there, just not that close like in my dream. 

It took me two hours to enjoy my walk, and I also just sat down to watch the ocean. I could actually do that from my apartment, but it's different to be sitting on the sand feeling the breeze.

I checked the hour, it was past 9am. I went back to my place and waited for lunchtime.

On my way to the restaurant, I felt dizzy again, even making me stop. Last time that happened, I opened my eyes to Hyunjin's body. I kept my eyes closed, afraid it'd happen again, however, It didn't, I was still safe in my body. Weird that I felt that, it almost never happens to me.

I met with Minho at the restaurant, I must say he looked extremely handsome. 

"You Can take a picture of me instead of staring" he giggled, all proud of himself.

"Sorry, sorry." I laughed, "you look good today."

"You look beautiful as always." He winked.

I couldn't help but to fluster at his comment. Lately, my head's been everywhere, so I haven't had time to actually think about Minho. A few days ago I was certain I'd give him a chance, but after the day I switched with Hyunjin, no, after the dream I had, what I dreamt about him, I wasn't sure anymore.

To dream about something like that, so intimate, I feel like he's not really out of my head, just on stand by. But I couldn't just accept Minho's feelings right now, I had to really close cycles.

We entered the place, it looked very pretty. It was like a chic café, only bigger. There wasn't a lot of people really, just what looked like some business men, sitting behind us.

As we ordered and waited for our food, we talked about a lot of stuff.

"Oh that's right, here." He took out a small box from his pocket. 

I looked at him confused, but then remembered it was probably what he got me. I smiled at him and took it.

It was a necklace, a yellow four leaf clover, more specifically.

"This is... beautiful." I couldn't stop looking at it, but it wasn't the necklace itself that kept me thinking, but it's meaning.

"You remeber, right?" He smiled.

"I do." I smiled back. My heart felt really warm.

To sum it up, that was like our friendship's start. Back at school, just a little after Hyunjin left and before graduation, I used to sit alone in the rooftop of school, just thinking and bearing with my feelings.

I was very upset, always, and sad, to the point I didn't even wanted to hang with Minju. But one of those days, I came to the rooftop and Minho had arrived first, so I stood there, not knowing what do to.

He looked as uncomfortable as I did, but still told me to sit if I wanted. I sat on the floor, and he told me to sit on his blanket to avoid getting dirty.

We remained silent for a while, and out of nowhere, he said "here", making me look at him. He was holding between his fingers a pale yellow four leaf clover; it's color was probably because of dryness.

I took it, asking him where did he get it, and he said he found it. We agreed it was weird to find that on a rooftop.

"It's cooler when you're happier." He said to me, looking ahead of him; I frowned. Then, he also said "don't be sad, I'm sure there's something better for you."

Since that day, we became really close, but as friends; however, he developed feelings for me. This necklace really was something else.

"Thank you so much." I stood up and hugged him. Romantic feelings or not, it symbolized our friendship, and I loved it.

We sat, and he continued.


I looked at him, waiting for him to talk.

"I know I told you back when we were at the beach that I had feelings for you, and I was just wonder-"

"I really want to, Minho."

He looked at me, eyes widened. As I was going to continue, the man behind me stood up abruptly and hit my chair, making me hit the table. Minho stood up, angry at the man for not being careful.

"Hey, what's your problem? Be careful." Minho landed his hand on the guy's shoulder, making him stop. The guy turned around and glared, making Minho and I loose our breath.

"Hyunjin?" Minho said.

I just looked at him, startled. I felt a million things in my stomach.

"Aeri, why haven't you contacted me? Huh?" He asked me, annoyed.

"Hyunjin, I-"

"So I'm here looking for you trying to find a solution to our problem and you're just chilling around?" He came closer to me, but I was kind of scared, his aura was scary. 

"Answer me, Aeri, what where you waiting to contact me?"

"Hyunjin, calm-"

"Tell me!" He got closer, about to grab my arm, but Minho crossed his arm between Hyunjin and I, and stopped him.

"Hands off, Hyunjin." 

"Stay out of this, man." Hyunjin snapped.

"You're making her uncomfortable, stay back."

Hyunjin eyed me, waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't. I was about to collapse, really. My head was a whole mess. Why is he here? What's even happening? Quickly rethinking his questions, anger started flowing in me. I lowered Minho's arm, but didn't let go of him, cause we were about to leave.

"Oh so you just appear after all this time without even explaining shit and on top of everything have the nerve to question me? Why didn't YOU contact me? Huh? Why is it always me trying to fix things?"

"Let's go, Aeri." Minho softly told me, and without letting go of my grip, he dragged me outside, leaving Hyunjin there.

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