~Chapter 26~

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"Sang Hoon is my real name."

Hyunjin and I were beyond confused, there were a lot of thoughts running through our minds, but I couldn't get distracted from it, I had to convince the old man to talk to us.

"Look, sir. I know it sounds impossible, but I've seen her, twice, and I am as shocked as you are about our resemblance. Can you please grant us a word?"

I asked the man, grabbing his hands. His reaction had me very emotional; it was like life flooded his body and soul, like his days with his beloved girl came back.

"I... I am sorry I didn not listen to you at first. Please come in." The old man said, opening the door for us to enter his home.

His house was beautiful inside, but what got my eye the most, was his huge collection for shells, making me realize why he probably bought that shell.

The man told us to wait for him, making us sit down in the living room. We were in awe of how his home looked like the typical fairy tail house. He came with two glasses of water, and sat down.

"Well, I am all ears." He smiled lightly. I noticed he couldn't get his eyes off of Hyunjin, but that wasn't important, so I proceeded to explain what happened.

"You see, sir, you recently bought a shell with a pearl from his father's company." I said as I pointed at Hyunjin."we understand that you spent a lot of money for it, however, that shell wasn't really on sale, it was a mistake. It's something precious and meaningful for us both."

The old man kind of chuckled, I could swear it was in a mocking slightly way. I continued.

"I know it does not make sense, but that shell changed our lives, literally you could say, and we need it back. We are completely willing to pay you back all the money and an extra for the inconvenient."

"Young girl, where did you find this shell?" He asked me.

"I found it at the beach, a while ago actually."

"And may I ask why do you say it changed your life?"

I struggled to arrange my words so it wouldn't sound crazy and insane, but Hyunjin helped me.

"It made us change our bodies." He said, as simple as that.

"Change your bodies?" The man frowned.

"We are aware that it sounds crazy, sir, but we literally woke up on the other's body, and it still does it to us now, last night it did it."

For a second I remembered the night we had and what we almost did, making my heart race, but again I shrugged it off, it wasn't the time.

"It's impossible." The man said. Both of us sighed.

"Anyways, sir, we are truly sorry about it, but it means a lot to us. As I told you, we are willing to give your money back." I added.

"You need the other half for that to happen." The man mumbled, we barely heard it, but we did.

"Sir, we have the o-"

"I'm afraid I can't help you, young ones." He interrumped me. Hyunjin and I just stood there, wondering what to do next. The man continued.

"You see, this is even more special to me, and there are things I need to figure out now that I have it back."

"Back?" I thought. Since it seemed like this wasn't going too well, I started to use everything I knew to try to convince the man.

"Sir, you said I looked like her, and I am aware of it too. Who is Yulhee?" I asked. The man remained silent again, so I insisted.

"I saw her, and she told me to tell you to go back to her."

As soon as those words left my mouth, the man lifted his head, eyes watering.

"We all must be connected, somehow, because it's too much of a coincidence that she randomly appeared in front of me telling me this." 

The man had the shell in his hand all the time, holding it tightly. He sighed and closed his eyes, before standing up and leaving us.

"Please wait." He said. Hyunjin and I looked at each other again, wondering what was going on. He held my hand, rubbing his thumb on my skin. I felt very warm hearted, and smiled to him.

"I'm sure we're almost there." He smiled.

The man came in again, with a book, siting down in front of us again. He put the shell on the floor beside him and opened the book. We noticed it was actually a photo album, and he was looking through its pages as if he were looking for something.

"Here we are." He smiled, turning around the photo album and handing it to Hyunjin and I.

Hyunjin took the book, both of us looking at the picture he wanted us to see. We were in complete shock, and stared back at the man.

"Shocking, right?" He said, "that is why I could not stop looking at your boyfriend earlier." He chuckled.

It was a very old picture of a couple holding hands on a cliff at the beach. The cliff was the exact same one as the one at the beach where I found the shell, but that wasn't the most shocking part about it.

"This" the old man pointed at the man in the picture, "is Yulhee" he smiled. "And this," he moved his finger to the young man standing beside her; "This is me."

Hyunjin immediately looked up at him with eyes widened, and then at me, and I was the same.

Yulhee looked like me, and the man looked exactly like Hyunjin.

It was like we were the ones in the picture, only we weren't. We didn't know what to say to begin with, we were too shocked. I did see Yulhee before, but she looked older, however, in this picture, she looked younger, exactly like me, and so did Hyunjin.

The man took back the book, looking at us and smiling slightly.

"I'm telling you about our story." He said. 

A/n: Hello! I'm sorry I updated this late, the past 3 days I've been finishing the bonus chapter for "Across the World", and yesterday was my birthday so I didn't have that much time. 😅

Anyways, here's another chapter!🙌🏻 Thank you all for reading my stories, I'm so grateful! ❤️ Please don't forget to vote, and if you could share my story with others, I'd be extremely grateful!😭

Please take care, stay Healthy! Also, if you're a STAY, please be strong❤️ our boy needs rest and to stay out of hate, and although it hurts to see the group without him, it's always for the best, so let's just support the group and patiently wait for him to come back🥰

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