~Chapter 32~

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Aeri's POV

During lunch time, Felix and Hyunjin approached me and Minju, probably to talk about the trip to Incheon. We weren't used to eat at the cafeteria, we always headed to the green zone to feel fresh air.

They sat down beside us, Felix and Minju smiling to each other.

"So how did it go back in Donghae?" Felix asked.

"It's quite a long long story, but we figured it out eventually. Our next destination to finally end this is Incheon." I tied my hair to eat.

"Incheon? Why there?" Minju frowned. Since I answered the last question, I eyed Hyunjin to answer this one next.

"Aeri found the shell there."

"What shell?"

"Ah...right." I sighed, Hyunjin too. "We didn't tell you fully about it. Well, it doesn't matter right now, I'll tell you on the trip."

"So when are you planning on going?" Felix questioned.

"We. We are going all together."

"Why us too?"

"Minju." I scolded. "Don't you want to have a romantic date with mr. sunshine here?"

"Aeri!" She hit my shoulder, Felix and Hyunjin giggling.

"Anyways" Hyunjin continued, "we're planning on going this weekend. Ask your parents."

"There's no way they'll allow. Next week tests begin, so I have to study."

"Ah that's right... tests."

"First let me talk to my parents to see what I can do, maybe not this weekend but the next one we can go." I said.

After lunch and class, I waited for Hyunjin outside school. He seemed thoughtful all day, distracted, I wondered if it had anything to do with his dad.

"Hey" I heard him say from behind.

"Ready to go?" I smiled, he smiled me back, but he seemed worried.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah don't worry, it's not my best day but nothing to worry about."

"Do you prefer to rest at home? We can watch a movie later."

"No, no. I want to go with you."



I smiled. It felt nice he wanted to hang out with me even though he wasn't feeling okay, so I wanted to cheer him up a little.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked him as we took the bus to town.

"I enjoy all movies, so anything would be fine."

"Are you sure you want to go to the cinema? I mean we could just watch a movie at home." It caught my attention he thought about it for a while; I felt a bit down, but shrugged it off.

"I think it'd be better for me to be away from home today, so please don't worry, let's just enjoy the movie!" He patted my head while smiling.

Once we got to the cinema, Hyunjin chose the movie while I bought popcorn and drinks.

"What did you choose?"

"A romantic one."


"Want me to change it?"

"No, no, I was just curious. I thought you'd pick horror."

"I actually was going to" he giggled, "but it was all sold out."

"Okay, romantic it is I guess."

The movie started not long after that, as it kept going, I knew I was going to cry for sure, the plot was super sad. Hyunjin on the other hand, was very interested in it, but no sign of emotions.

Tears started growing slowly, I actually was embarrassed he'd see me, so I tried to turn the other way so he wouldn't notice me.

Unfortunately, he already knew. I felt how he grabbed my hand tightly, comforting me. I turned around again, chuckling because I felt stupid.

"I'm fine." I giggled.

"Saddest part hasn't even happened and you're already crying."

"How do you know this isn't the saddest part?"

"I've seen this movie."

I felt utterly betrayed, playfully of course.

"Why on earth would you pick a movie you already saw?"

"To be with you."

"We can literally spend time together at school and at home." I furrowed, noticing how his hand was still holding mine.

"Yeah" he thought about it, "but no one can bother us here."

"Bother us from what?"

"From this." As he said those words, he leaned to me, and pushed his lips to mine. I don't know why were we even doing it, more like why did he do it, but I couldn't complain. I don't actually know what are we, but I can't deny the fact that I love feeling his lips.

"Why are you kissing me?" I mumbled giggling between the kiss, making him stop for a bit and look at me.

"You know how I don't usually express my feelings cause I don't seem to have any?"

"W-well... you seem different with me."

"Exactly. I feel different with you, and I can't help it." We smiled at each other, as he caressed my cheek, and started kissing again.

We missed the ending of the movie thanks to our make out session. I couldn't think of anything to say to him, I was embarrassed. He eyed me from time to time, laughing. Eventually, we interwined fingers and went home just like that.

Hyunjin's POV:

"Bye." I kissed her cheek and waited for her to go inside.

"Bye Hyunjin." She said, with her cheeks amazingly red. I giggled at her reaction, it was too cute.

On the short way back home, I thought about the company and everything. I once "promised" to my mom I'd take care of it, but now that I think of it, she never said she'd be working overseas for our company, and she never told me, since she left, that she wanted me to take care of it.

A lot of thoughts were running through my mind, but tonight I didn't want to think of it either. All I had in my head was Aeri.

I noticed another car parked in front of my house. I didn't pay that much attention, and proceeded to go inside.

Stepping in, my father "welcomes" me, as fake as ever, and introduces me to a man.

"Oh Hyunjin, how was school today?"

"It was good." I bowed at him, and at the man.

"This is Kang Beom Seok, CEO of Geum company." My father introduced, and the man bowed, I did the same again.

"Remeber I told you about our companies working together?" My father asked. I wanted to just leave the room immediately, however, I'm polite, so I didn't.


"Well, we're in talks for it. I wanted to introduce you to him, as you'll be working with him after you graduate."

I just smiled and nodded. I heard the guest bathroom door open, and saw the light going off. A girl about my age showed up, dressed all elegant.

"Pardon me." She bowed too, and looked at me, smiling. I could swear it was the fakest one I've seen after my father's. 

"Hyunjin." The man called me. "This is Eunbi, my youngest daughter." 

"Hello." I bowed yet again, I was getting impatient.

Both my father and the man laughed.

"Come on son, you don't have to be that formal to her, after all,

you two are supposed to get married."

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