~Chapter 21~

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"You Can sleep in my room, I'll sleep in my parents'."

"I don't want to sleep alone~" Hyunjin pouted like a child.

"Okay first, stop talking like that, and second, it's not happening." I made myself clear.

Hyunjin went back to his "adult" serious tone.

"Seriously, Aeri, I want to explain what happened back there. I swear you got it wrong."

"Listen, I don't want to hear it, it was pretty clear. Let's just leave it here, it's not the time to talk about that."

"It's never the time for you." He sighed

"I'm serious."

"Me too."

I sighed, thinking about a way to make him stop talking about it.

"Okay, after everything's done with this, we can talk about it." I lied. I actually hoped he'd forget by then.

"Deal." He smiled, making his way to my bed.

"If you're hungry, feel free to go downstairs and make some food for you." I turned around to leave to my parents room.

I tried all night to sleep, but I just couldn't. I kept Thinking about everything going on and that hopefully we were closer to figuring it out. I grabbed my phone, in hopes of getting sleepy by scrolling through socials, when I got a message.

What are you doing?


Are you a ghost?

Are you a child?


Get back to sleep.

Shortly after , I successfuly managed to go back to sleep somehow. The strongest and heaviest knock ever on my door, woke me up abruptly. I swear I could have gotten a heart attack.

"I swear to god, if it's you imma beat you." I whispered to myself, referring to Hyunjin. It was way too late for him to be awake AND waking me up.

I got up, and as I headed to the door, he knocked again, stronger, making me stop my steps.

"Hey, stop it!" I raised my voice. I opened the door, ready to slap him, but there was nobody there. Everything was dead silent, which made me angry. I'm not imagining things, he must have gone flying to his room.

I stomped all the way to my room, angry. I opened the door, more than ready to scold him, but he was sleeping. I got closer to see If he was pretending, but he was dead asleep. I frowned at the situation, slowly leaving my room and back to my parents'.

I'm not crazy, those knocks were real.

I got back to bed, closing my eyes trying to sleep again. Suddenly, I hear yet again a knock. I immediately sit down, ready to yell, but nothing comes out from my mouth, as I see a figure standing by the door, inside my room.

I froze. For a second, I thought it was a thief, but shortly I realized it was the same figure I saw earlier, when I fell asleep.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Tell him it's almost time."

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