~Chapter 16~

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Hyunjin's POV

-4 months earlier-

"Isn't that the girl you like, Hyunjin?" Seungmin asked as he sat down with his lunch.

"Don't say it too loud." I chuckled.

"Why don't you approach her? If you don't do anything she'll never know you like her." Changbin pointed at me with his chopsticks.

"I kind of did a week ago, but she's not interested."

"Did you tell her you like her?"


"How could she reject you then?" Jeongin questioned.

"We were in line for lunch and I noticed I got the last dessert, she was behind me so she didn't get one. I offered her mine and she said no."

"That's not a rejection, maybe she didn't want it." Jisung laughed.

"Her tone was quite rejecting." I laughed. "As if she didn't want to talk to me at all. In fact she took her lunch quickly and left before I could say anything."

"I bet she just doesn't know how to talk to you. You should make her jealous." Minho added. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Make her feel jealous with another girl. Maybe she'll start talking to you."

"We don't have the best reputation, remember? You guys made sure about that." I said.

Until A while ago, the boys behaved wrong towards other people. Nothing serious, but nothing good either. We discussed the matter and eventually decided to stop, and apologized to everybody at school.

Even so, and even though I didn't do anything more than flirt with some girls, people still didn't trust us fully. They'd walk far and cautiously from us.

"We already apologized. We should actually start making new friends with everybody, that'd be a chance." Chan said.

"Let's not change topics." Minho insisted, "Hyunjin, make her jealous, that's the plan. Just flirt with another girl, lightly. Flirting isn't prohibited."

"I don't know... I don't feel like flirting with anybody. Yeah I like her but even so."

Minho wandered his eyes around the cafeteria, we stood quiet, waiting for him to speak, as he looked like he was thinking about something.

"That girl." He pointed. Since the cafeteria was so crowded, I could barely see her. She had light brown curly hair, tied up in a ponytail, but I couldn't see her face properly.

"I can't even see her." I laughed.

"I'll show her to you later, when there's less people. I'm good remebering faces."

"Even so, I'm not doing it."

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Oh you will, just give it some time. We'll see about that." He smirked.

I turned again to see her face, but she wasn't there anymore.

Back to present-

I sighed, as Aeri walked away, turning to face Minho.

"Why would you say that?"

"I didn't know she was listening, sorry."

"Even so, I'm not "using" her. Why would you say something like that?" I sat down. I was mad, but couldn't get angry at him, he doesn't know anything about the switching thing, he couldn't know.

"Well she's the girl from the cafeteria back then."

I widened my eyes a bit, but the situation was bad enough to think about that fact.

"Since we discussed it a while ago, I figured you decided to keep with the plan."

"When did we discuss it? That topic died at the cafeteria."

"Like three weeks ago, don't you remember? I asked you during math class if you were doing your plan and you nodded."

"I did?"

"What's wrong with you today? You can't remember anything."

"Minho, I was probably focused on something else, but I never said this was a plan. I do like her, I met her properly and liked her."

Minho also sighed, standing up, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, I didn't know that. I'm glad tho, she's really nice, that's why I asked you if you were sure. I'm sorry I made things hard for you, it wasn't my intention."

"I know man, I know. It was a misunderstanding, that's all. Don't worry, and thank you."

"I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Aeri's POV

"HE WHAT?" Minju flew of her bed. I was a crying mess, I regretted kissing him, although that wasn't entirely my move, and I regretted having feelings for him. The worst part is, that I can't just easily forget him and surpress my feelings for him.

We've shared a lot together, and I saw another side of him, or that's what I thought. I fell for him, and now my heart hurts like crazy. What a shitty night; I confessed my feelings and ended up fooled.

"Let me talk to Felix about this."

"Absolutely not. And please sit with me tomorrow at the bus."



"Fine. I mean I'm definitely sitting with you, but I wanted to talk to Felix. If you guys change again, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I don't want to think about that." I said, whithout telling Minju I knew something about it.

Next morning, teachers assigned us a lot of activities, we were able to go inside the woods following the trails, it looked totally different from last night. Hyunjin kept staring at me, as if he wanted to say something, but I avoided him all day long.

The trip ended faster than I thought, fortunately. Minju sat with me at the bus, Felix with Hyunjin. We got back to school, and I walked to my house as fast as I could, avoiding hyunjin. Since he lives close u thought he'd be following me, but he wasn't, thank god.

I don't know why did this hit me so hard, it's not like we dated or something, my feelings were recent; but I still felt horrible inside. I don't know how to face him from now on, it's all weird. But as much as I was hurt, I had to remember it clearly; he used me. He used me to get to someone else, and that, I won't forgive.

Once again, I remembered the damn shell thing. I was supposed to talk to him tonight about it, but there's no way I'm doing that. I'll have to really start investigating by myself.

I was worried as to what would happen if we switched bodies, because for sure I'd have to talk to him, and I didn't want to.

But I guess everything happens for a reason, and the universe acts weird,

Because for the next month, we didn't change bodies, not even once.

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