~Chapter 11~

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"What the hell happened? We were fine!" He told me while getting up. I was as confused as him, yesterday we were completely fine, but we switched randomly bodies again.

And why do I say randomly? Well, I think I figured out this thing 2 days ago, the day before changing back to our original bodies, or I should say I confirmed it yesterday when we changed bodies.

The pearl and shell had to do with this. I figured it was something related to putting the pearl inside the shell on its little hole, where the pearl was when I first found it. The day before changing for the first time, I had taken out the pearl to take the shell to school; the pearl remained in my house whilst the shell was with me. That day, I lost the other half of the shell, and back at the beach I lost the twin pearl.

When I came back home I placed the pearl back to the only half left of the shell, and went to sleep, and next thing I knew, I was in Hyunjin's body. At first I didn't think it would have anything to do with it, untill the night before changing bodies back, when I took out the pearl from its shell again, and then boom, back into my body.

I figured that moving the pear in any way and putting it in again, would make us change bodies. The question was, why Hyunjin, Out of all people? Is it because he was there at the beach when I found this?

The fact that we changed without me moving the pearl was quite weird. I wanted to make a full research, now that I kind of confirmed it, however, I had to pretend that I didn't know what was going on, at least for one or two days.

I wanted to go to Hyunjin's house and confirm if the pearl moved with me or not.

Hyunjin's POV:

I need to act like I don't know anything, although in deed, I was confused as to why did we change bodies again without me moving the pearl out of the shell.

I realized the day I left the pearl on top of Aeri's desk when her mom offered me chocolate. I know I should have talked to her immediately next morning when I woke up back in my body, but I just didn't know how to fix my ideas up.

I also wanted to fix all this mess without Aeri noticing. If I'd told her that I know how to control it, she'd get mad at me for keeping the truth, and besides, I did kind of like her parents presence around. I know it's a very selfish thing to do.

I had to go back to my house and check what happened to the pearl, if it fell or moved, as the shell looks like it moves with me whenever we change bodies. I had to place it back and take care of it much more, but I'd be difficult to do so, as I was in her body and again.

We started to get ready for school, Aeri went to shower first, since there's only one bathroom. She came back with a towel wrapped around my body, revealing my chest.

"Do you do that to see me naked?" I teased her.

"Do what? And why would I want to see you without clothes?"

"Wrap a towel around you and changing here instead of the bathroom?"

"I can't dress in the bathroom, it's too hot. I always dress in my room, so get out."

"Why would I get out? I mean that's my body, I can see it if I want."

"Get out Hyunjin." 

"Fine, fine. I'll go shower." I stood up and made my way to the door, and noticed the pearl and shell were on top of the other night stand; it did follow me around then. But the weird thing is that the pearl is perfectly set in the shell, it doesnt seem like it moved. I was a bit relieved, but I didn't know what was happening, if the pearl was completely fine here. 

Aeri was standing by the door when I walked through it.  "I'll enjoy my view." I smirked at her.

"I swear to god if you do something with my body I'll insta kill you."  She said.

"Don't worry Aeri, I won't do anything to your body, as long as I'm in it."

Her expression was priceless.

"W-w-what are do you mean we're not even da-"

"I'm joking Aeri. Go get dressed, I can see you're in did hot"

She slammed the door behind me. She's so cute.

Aeri's POV

We headed to school, silently walking all way long. We said goodbye at the entrance, I left to his class and he left to mine. I should ask Felix if he find something else about this. I knew how to control it kinda, but I didn't know how to make it stop at all.

"Sup." I acted like Hyunjin, I wanted to joke around with Felix.

"Hey bro." He said as I sat down.  Then continued.

"How's everything going with Aeri?" "Did she fall already?"  Minho asked on the other side of the table.

I frowned at his question. I was about to tell Felix I was Aeri, but What he asked made me curios.

"Fall?"  I asked.

"Don't tell me you don't remember. We talked about this on the beach."

I was going to ask him more, but the teacher came in, making us silent. I kept thinking about what Minho said. The beach? Does Hyunjin remember me from the beach then?

Class was extremely boring. We're supposed to be in the same grade, yet his clases are way worse than mine, we barely do anything. Eventually, I felt sleepy and rested my head on the desk, over my arms.

I woke up by the bell ringing, Felix patting my shoulder.

"Wake up."

"Felix what happened to your voi-" I said as I lifted my head up and looked at him, but it was Minju. I flew out of my desk, and immediately looked at my hands; I'm back in my body. What is going on? The same day twice? Something's not right.

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