~Chapter 52~

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As soon as we got to the beach, I started walking even faster. Hyunjin kept telling me to slow down, but I just couldn't.

"Hey Aeri! Why are you going so fast?" He yelled, panting.

"Come on! Let's get there fast!" I replied.

He then stopped, making me notice a few steps ahead of him, so I stopped and turned around. He looked kind of disappointed, so I headed back to him.

"What's wrong?"

"What's with the rush?"

"I just want to end this once and for all"

He sighed, nodding.

"Hyunjin, what's wrong?"

"Nothing...Let's go."

"No, you're telling me what's wrong."

"I just" he sighed once again, "I just feel like you're dying to end this."

"Well... I am, what's wrong with it?"

"If we end this, that means we'll never switch again."

I frowned at his statement.

"Isn't that what we wanted since a long time ago? I don't get it, we've-"

"I don't want to stop seeing you." Right after saying this, he turned around, giving me his back; I could feel he was overwhelmed. At first, I didn't understand him, but then I remembered a conversation we had back when we were at school.

Back when we thought we knew how this worked, and he ended up confessing he didn't tell me because he didn't want to loose me.

"Hyunjin, look at me."


"How old are you? Five? Look at me."

"I don't want to."

"Fine." I walked to the other side and faced him. He tried turning around but I didn't let him. I grabbed his hands tightly and looked at him.

"Why are you saying that?"


"That you don't want to stop seeing me?"

"Because I don't want to."

"But why do you think we'll stop seeing each other?"

"It's just that you're rushing so much, it feels like you want to get rid of that as soon as possible, and for me that's like getting rid of, you know, us? I don't know."

"Are you dumb?"


"Hyunjin. I want to get rid of this right now, to finally live a normal life with you. To actually share with each other without being switched randomly."

"You do?"

"Dont you?"

"Of course I do too." He looked away to the ocean, smiling. I found it extremely cute how he worried about us. I extended my hand to him, he looked at it and the back at me.

"Let's go." I smiled to him.

"Let's go." He grabbed it.

We made our way to the far end of the beach. Unfortunately, the rocks were completely covered with water. Because of The last two times, I actually hesitated if throwing them from the cliff worked. Of course having Hyunjin beside me could be the one thing missing for this to end, but for some reason I felt like I had to return them exactly where I found them.

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