~Chapter 28~ Their Story pt. 2

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Back to present- Aeri's POV

The story this man was telling us, so far was like the typical perfect romantic movie, however, I kept in mind what he said about Yulhee, so I knew the worst of it had yet to come.

He continued

"After that night, I went back home around 8 in the morning, the landlord let me go to rest because I helped him all night with different tasks, however, I did not really want to go back. I wanted to see that girl again, to talk to her again and get to know her.

Next day I remeber waking up really early, my mother even questioned playfully my rushed behavior. She asked me if it was because of someone, you know how mothers always know everything, but I told her I was excited about my job, and that was all.

As soon as I arrived, my eyes went crazy looking for her everywhere, but there was no sign of her. I spent all day working as usual, but my mind still thinking about her, wondering if she'd appear again.

Unluckily, for the next few days I didn't get to se her at all, I almost convinced myself I just saw a ghost and she didn't exist."

"And did you get to see her again?" Hyunjin questioned, he was way into the story, he made me and the old man laugh.

"Patience" the old man chucked.

"One of those days, the landlord asked me if I could stay during night, which I agreed, so he told me to come around 4 pm, instead of 8 am. "

Flashback- Sang Hoon POV

"Have you seen the owner's daughters? They're beautiful." I heard one of the men say as they worked.

"They surely are, but they're both engaged, so no luck for us." The other one sighed.

"Even if they weren't, the lord would not allow them to be with people like us."

"That is true."

I wondered if the girl I saw that night was one of tje daughters. Since it's been two weeks, I thought I imagined it, but maybe that explains it, I didn't know the lord had daughters.

About an hour after, the lord came to the barn.

"Sang Hoon." He called me.

"Yes, sir?"

"How well do you know the trail outside my land?"

"I walk it everyday, sir, so I would say pretty well."

"I need a favor from you."

"Anything, sir."

"I need you to take my younger daughter to Gangneung."

I felt relieved, my house was near to Gangneung, so I had the road almost memorized.

"Of course, sir. I will take her."

"It is quite far, about an hour or two. She insisted she wanted to go by foot."

"My house is very close to Gangneung, sir, you do not have to worry, I know the road well." 

"Fair enough. You leave tomorrow morning. Her fiancé will me meeting you as soon as you arrive, after that you can go to your house and rest."

"Do you need me to bring her back?"

"No, son, no need. They will be bringing her back."

"Understood, sir." I bowed.

"I'm grateful, son." The lord bowed, and left.

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