~Chapter 37~

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"To my love"

It was a letter, a written letter.

How on earth after so many years and different seasons, would a letter remain here untouched? Maybe somebody put it there recently? Should I read it?

I felt like I had to, so I did.

"To my love.

I am writing you, what I think might be my last words.

I trusted her, and that was my mistake. I thought she was to trust, but I was wrong, and that cost me our life together.

My father is aware that we see each other, and he has taken away from me the shell. He is talking about making me leave again, he does not want us to be happy.

You know, I think about our child every night. How happy we would have been as parents. I always wanted to have children, I told you that. I guess there were other plans for you & I.

I wanted a girl, but we never got to figure that out. I thought of pretty names for her, and I thought  "Haneul"  is a pretty name. Do you like it? I think it is adorable. 

I am doing something crazy. I am going in, to look for it, for our chance. I am aware of the dangers of doing it, and I am probably not going to get out alive. Part of me is doing it because I know our story does not end well, and if it is not with you, I do not want it.

I promise to meet you in our next life, and all the ones to come.

I am truly sorry, Sang Hoon, for not trying harder.

I hope this letter gets to you, somehow, whenever.

I love you

Yulhee. "

I didn't have words, completely speechless. This was meant for me to find it, I am convinced it was. This was like her suicide note, and my heart felt hurt. I took the letter, and returned back to Minho. All the way down, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I wanted so bad to tell Hyunjin about all this, but he wasn't here anymore, and just as Yulhee and Sang Hoon, we weren't destined to be together.

I had to give this letter to the old man. He deserves to have it, as the last thing she left for him.

"Where were you?" Minho handed me the juice.

"I went up to the cliff for a while, but the walk was rough so I came back."

"I told you not to leave, it's dangerous!"

"I'm sorry! I'm here though." I chuckled.

And just as that, the week went by quite fast. The last night at the beach, we went for dinner instead. We ate at the same restaurant we did when we came here a year ago. After dinner, Minho told me to go watch the stars while my parents talked for a while.

"Let's give them some date time for themselves." He winked at me. I just laughed and followed him.

We found two unoccupied chairs over the sand, so we sat there. It was quite dark, the stars were beautiful, we saw a lot of them.

"Hey, Aeri." He interrupted the silence.


"I have feelings for you." He suddenly said, I just looked at him with my eyes widened.

"You... what?"

He laughed, he didn't seem nervous at all.

"You heard me."

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