~Chapter 10~

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7:25 and Hyunjin wasn't showing up, my mom was almost finishing dinner and I was impatient.

"Is Hyunjin going to come, honey?" My mom asked while fixing the table.

"I don't know mom. I told him 7:00 but it's already half hour late."

"Dinner is almost ready, text him to see if he he's coming or not, so I can fix the table according to the number."

I got my coat, already mad at him for not even telling me if he wasn't coming. I opened the door and walked down the stairs, making my way uphill; but I bumped into Hyunjin instead.

He was dressed very casual, and had a bag on his shoulder.

"Wow, you were actually going to my house for me?"

"I told you it was at 7. And I told you I'd go get you out if you didn't show up."

"Yeah I'm sorry, I didn't know what to wear."

"That took you 20 minutes? Why would you struggle with what to wear? It's only my house."

"I see this as an especial ocasion, so I wanted to dress properly."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I haven't had dinner with a family for a long time now."

"But you had dinner with my parents for several days when you were on my body." I tilted my head in confusion.

"But you weren't there."


"Let's just go inside, shall we?" He walked passed me, entering the house and greeting my parents.

Did I understand well? "But you weren't there." What does he mean?

Anyways, we went inside, my mom welcomed him warmly, as well as dad. We sat at the table for dinner; I could tell que enjoyed it a lot, the food, the talk, everything. I could actually become like a real friend with him, I know I totally misjudged him at the beginning, but I think everything's different now.

After dinner, he helped my mom with the dishes and such, and then stood at the living room very awkwardly.

"Why are you standing there all awkward?" I asked him.

"I actually don't know."

"I thought of some things we could do today since you're spending the night here." He widened his eyes at my words and started to get red, as well as nervous and looking everywhere.

"S-shouldn't we get to know each other first?"

"Are you stupid?"


"I'm not talking about that god no." I gagged. "I
Mean like games and such. Also, I wanted to watch that anime movie about the students changing bodies."

"Didn't you say you didn't want to waste your time?"

"That was when we were inside the other's body, but now that we're back, it's just for entertainment."

"Okay then."

We went to my room, door open as always. Not that my parents wouldn't let me close it, but I wanted to keep it that way, I did trust Hyunjin, but not fully just yet.

I set up the movie from my pc to the TV and we lied down on my bed. Of course, he was sitting on one corner and I was on the other.

As the movie kept going, I found it interesting how the main characters changed bodies randomly, like there were days where they'd be themselves and days where they'd be the other. It was all fun and laughter untill the last part was starting, where they look for each other but sadly it's all mess, I was starting to tear up quietly.

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