~Chapter 56~

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Hana made us head to the beach, where Hyunjin and I came from. She told Dong Hyun to close and lock the shop well, and we started walking towards the beach.

On the way, I observed everything around me. All the shops and famous places in our time, looked completely different back then, which is where I am now. It's amazing how things change so abruptly, even people. The vibe feels totally different too.

Everything made me reflect a bit. I had never thought before about time passing, but since everything started, It's like I can't think of anything else. The fact that time went by so fast, meaning our time would sooner or later end here, frightened me a bit.

The way things changed here, will my things change like that too? The house where I live, my belongings, the beach...Hyunjin. What will it be of us?

I didn't understand why my head and mind were flooding me with all this weird depressive thoughts, but it surely made my heart feel uneasy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, interrupting me from thinking further, luckily.

"Wasn't it here we left our clothes?" Hyunjin wandered his eyes around a spot near some still empty shops.


"Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just thinking about everything, that's all." I chuckled.

Hana and Dong Hyun were walking ahead of us, but stopped at the sight of Hyunjin and I looking for our clothes.

I uncovered the spot and took my clothes, Hyunjin taking his, and walked forward to Hana and Dong Hyun.

"What is this?" Dong Hyun asked Hyunjin.

"Uh...it's a sweater."

"A What?"

"It's something to cover when you're cold."

"We have that too, but this fabric and design are funny."

"I know, this must be very unusual clothing for you both." Hyunjin giggled. Dong Hyun nodded and laughed too. They kept talking, making Hana and I walk ahead of them.

"You seem worried." She suddenly beaks the silence.

"I- I'm not, it's just that everything's so confusing."

"I know it can be quite unbelievable, but don't worry, you two are going to get back home."

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned her.


"How did you meet Dong Hyun?"

"We know each other since we were kids."

"Are you...?"

"Together? Yes, he's my husband."

"Your What?!" I raised my voice, making Hyunjin and Dong Hyun stop their chat and listen to us.

"Dont mind us, boys." She playfully waved at them, and of course, they went back to their conversation.

"We are married."

"How old are you?"

"25, both." She giggled, "why are you asking me all this? Are you curious about your future with him?" She pointed at Hyunjin with her thumb.

"Uh... I don't know. I think my mind is just blank right now. It's like I want to ask you everything about you and the pearls but there's so many questions I don't even know what to ask exactly."

Hana smiled and patted my head, somehow it felt comforting. Like an old me easing me, as if everything was always going to be okay.

"Why don't we have this talk at the beach?" She said. I nodded and kept walking along her towards our destination. Hyunjin and Dong Hyun by the other side, were having a lot of fun talking.

As we got to the beach, Hana and Dong Hyun started walking all the way up to the cliff, instead of heading to the rocks.  After about 10 minutes walking upwards, we arrived to a place I had seen before. We weren't at the top, but at one side instead.

"Hyunjin, this is.." I started

"This is our little view house. Dong Hyun built it himself!" She proudly added.

It was the house that in my time, was only an old structure, where I found Yulhee's letter. Remembering Sang Hoon's story, this was the little house her father made her live in.

The way everything started to connect, made me believe this wasn't really that crazy. It isn't odds, it's destiny.

"Do you remember we told you there were others after you and before us?" I asked them, they both nodded.

"Well, the girl lived here during her time. Her name was Yulhee."  I sighed. Hana seemed happy, so she asked further.

"What about the boy?"

"Well... their story is a bit sad. She lived here alone because her father prohibited her to see him."

"What happened to them? Why didn't her father allow it? How do you know this?" Dong Hyun questioned.

"Her father was a wealthy man, he didn't want her close to a humble one. We know this because he told us himself, his name is Sang Hoon, and Yulhee, she... committed suicide here."

Hana's expression was heartbreaking, and of course, why wouldn't it be? Even I felt sad once I learned what happened.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. On the side, it can't be possible that the man told you the story in person." Dong Hyun said.

"What do you mean?" 

"For you to be alive, they both must be dead. It's not possible two of you are living in the same time."

That got me confused, a lot. If Sang Hoon was born around 1930, that means Dong Hyun died around that time, and so did Hana, but they're still too young. I wanted to ask that, but I didn't want to ruin their happiness by telling them they had around 10 years to enjoy life.

"Well, we don't know, but we talked to him, he's 85 now."  Hyunjin held my hand, as if he knew my worries at the moment.

"The Jewels must be acting crazy then" Hana turned to Dong Hyun.

"Anyways" she said, "we're here so you Can tell us what you know about the pearls, to fix this. So please, whenever you're ready, we're all ears."

We sat down, Hana brought some glasses with water, they both paid a lot of attention to both of us.

"We met at the beach."...


Hello! How have you been?
I'm sorry it took me a while to update, there's a lot going on lately lol. This covid shit got worse specifically in my city, we had to close our family business for this week. My mom's sometimes very hysterical so she sent me to me boyfriend's house for the next 15 days untill it calms down a bit back at home.

That, and that I had a huge Italian homework to do so I was busy with that lol.

And my bf and I bought a new ps4 game which is soooo good! So it's a bit of everything hahah I'm sorry!

I'll upload two chapters today though, this one and the next. I already wrote it but I'll wait a bit to give you time to read this one hahaha.

Anyways, stafe safe! Thank you for reading my story and waiting for me🧡 bye! 🥰

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