~Chapter 18~

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"Damn it" I whispered, getting out of his bed. I still need to talk to him. His room was unusually messy, he's very clean, so it was odd. I also noticed he had a picture of his mother on the nightstand.

I've never seen or talked to his mother before. From what I learnt from Felix, she was abroad and didn't come back. She surely is beautiful, he looks a lot like her.

His phone started to ring, it was on his desk. I took it, it said "Aeri". He's probably calling to talk about the sudden switch. I decided not to answer, and get changed instead; it was breezy outside. I didn't want to talk over the phone, I had to sort this personally.

The phone kept ringing and ringing, still from my number. "Fine." I growled, picking up.

"Would you please wait, I'm changing-"

"You need to come here."

"Yeah that's what I'm doing, but you can't stop calling."

"I'm in trouble."


"I don't know how to explain." He said.

"You're just running me late, I'm hang-"

"Where's your feminine stuff?" 

I frowned at his question.


"I'm bleeding."

"Why are you blee-" oh my god; I remembered. How embarrassing, I didn't want him to experience that with my body, I myself find it disgusting.

"Okay, listen to me. You're going to sit on the toilet and wait for me to come. Throw the dirty clothes inside the shower, I'll handle that. Just wait for me okay?"

"I'm scared."

"No, you're dramatic, that's all." I stated.

"Hurry up."

I hung up and almost ran to my house. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit, just imagining his panicked reaction. 

I got inside, up to my room, grabbed the necessary and headed to the bathroom.

"Are you alright?"

"How in the world can you deal with this once a month?" He almost cried.

"Open the door."


"Are you serious?"

"You're gonna see me naked, it's weird."

"You mean I'm gonna see myself naked."

"Yeah but it's weird."

"Hwang Hyunjin open the door."

"Fine." He opened. He did exactly as I said through phone, I proceeded to "clean" me up. He panicked over nothing, I thought it was way worse than this.

"I'm sorry you had to witness nature's feminine process. Now please get changed and come out, we need to talk." I said as I grabbed the stained jeans and underwear from the shower floor.

"Your boobs hurt." He said, about to touch them.

"DO NOT touch me. We're done talking."

After all the fuzz, he finally came out, fresh and clean. I had ready a pill and water for the cramps.

"This is horrible. I admire you going through this all your life." He whined. I couldn't help to laugh just looking at him, curled up on the bed, suffering. I actually enjoyed it.

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