The Hospital - Part Two

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a/n - hey guys, in this chapter we'll have a time jump and some action, as a heads up.

⚠️warning : there is more swearing in this chapter than usual⚠️

Plus a little Batfamily x Batsis feels:) Well, high feels since Mara's basically high on pain meds for half of this, which was fun to write 😆 Comment, vote, thank you for reading, and enjoy!


I feel light. And heavy. And in the middle. When Dad - I'm still getting used to the term - grabbed my hand, it made me feel heavier. When he left, I felt lighter. And now that it's been a little, I'm in the happy medium.

Am I high?

Maybe popped up on pain meds...or something...

"I got...your water. If you need anything else, I can get it, you just ask. Okay?" Dad's voice echoes to me.

I look over and see him holding out the cup of water. I'm confused as to why he's got the water?

Did I ask for it?

Did he just bring it?

I don't know, I don't remember. I can barely think, let alone straight.

"Uhhmn." I mumble, wracking my brain for answers. I don't come up with any, because suddenly the door bursts open.

It's a loud banging sound as the door hits the wall, and I don't like it. It hurts my head, but Tim's face occupies it. Well, more his trip to the bed, which consisted of him stumbling and literally falling flat on his face, before he stood and solemnly made his way to the chairs beside my bed. He swallows.

"Okay, before I say anything, let me have you know I will hear no such thing about this from either of you. Got it?" Dad chuckles a little at Tim's statement, cracking a smile. I try to crack a smile.

It's a little hard since I keep forgetting how to, I guess. Well, I just keep forgetting in general.

"So, Mara, how you doing? Hungry? Thirsty?" Tim asks. I feel Dad start to move, probably going to ask Tim to slow down, but I answer before he can, barely a whisper.

"No, I'm okay." I keep my smile up to show a thanks for Tim asking.

"Okay, sounds good. Oh and before you ask, don't worry about school. We got that covered. You don't need to do anything until your a little better."

He reminds me of a kid. But also an adult. He looks like and reminds me of a kid because he looks like one, sitting there with his leands playing with one another, and his legs criss crossed in his seat. On the other hand he reminds me of an adult because he looks at me and talks to me like I'm a child. I'm not. Well, I am a child since I'm not eighteen yet, but I'm not a child because I'm a teen.

"Hello Master Mara," a quiet, calm voice said. I see Alfred step over to the chairs, giving me a tight grin. I give my best smile back. "How are you feeling dear?"

I give him a weak thumbs up, and his grin grows. As everyone starts to settle, and Tim and Alfred get into a small conversation, I feel my mind start to wander.

• 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 • the dark knight •Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora