The Hospital

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°three days later°


White hot light sprays into my eyes as they open. It burns, but I don't even feel it until I think about it. I squint as I sit up, disoriented, but quickly gain control. I've trained myself for this, so my brain catches up with what has happened extremely quick.

The last thing I remember is covering Mara befo-


"Mara!?" I blurt out to no one in particular.

Then it seems as though I can see, because I find Damian, Dick, Tim, and Alfred around me. Damian is standing and staring near and out of the glass window. The room I'm in is pretty spaced out, with the hospital bed I'm in placed in the center of the room.

There's a couple chairs to the left and right of me, a small steel table behind the left side of the chairs, and then the big window Damian's standing by.

To the right side of the room is the door, a smaller sized window with blinds that are closed, and a closet and small metal table that can roll if need be.

Alfred speaks first, as Damian completely ignored me, Tim's asleep, and Dick's deep in thought. Alfred seems wide awake and alert, probably the most sane of them all at the moment.

"Master Wayne, she-"

"Is she alive?"

I asked that question because then I can get it out of the damned way. If she's alive, then she's alive. If she's dead, then-

No. Nope, not today. Mara's alive.

"Yes Master Wayne, she's alive. She's in surgery at the moment, almost done I believe. The surgeon's and medical professionals are doing what they can to help her, so please don't go asking them. Damian's already caused enough ruckus with them, we don't need more." He tells me, and I peer over at my son, who's brooding by the window.

"What did he do?"

"Well, I forgot how much he actually cares about his siblings - because of his usual dark and miserable looking moods - because when we were told that Mara was going under again, he wanted to see her. The doctor said no, but he didn't listen. We almost had to escort him out of the building, but we calmed him down before he did too much damage," Alfred's tone is sarcastic at first, but gets serious after the first sentence.

"What damage?" I ask, my exasperation creeping up into my voice. I've honestly just about had it with Damian and his foolish actions and behaviors lately.

"He had a doctor and nurse tied up in a storage room-"

That's all I need to hear, amd Alfred knows it.

"Damian, what the hell is wrong with you?!" I shout angrily. Might as well take my anger out now rather than later.

He turns immediately, surprising me. He doesn't look angry, which throws me off as I do a double take, making sure I saw him clearly.

"I'm sorry for that, I was out of control and infuriated, but it's your fault you couldn't keep her safe." Damian replies, keeping his usual emotionless posture up. I don't see a flash of regret in his eyes.

"It wasn't- Damian if you keep up that tone with me-"

"Fine, whatever. I'll behave better I guess."

• 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 • the dark knight •Where stories live. Discover now