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the black raven | THE RETURN

the black raven | THE RETURN

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jessie ○

"Breaking News! Bruce Wayne, presumed dead 6 years ago, has made an astonishing return! He went missing for one year when the GCPD finally pronounced him dead, but they have made a mistake, as he is alive and well! Sources say that he is back and kicking in the Wayne business once more. No other information was given to us on the return of this worldwide billionare. We will keep you updated on the infamous Wayne-"

I shut the TV off. This was shocking, and that's coming from me. A drug dealer who lives in Gotham. I mean, that's saying something if something shocks me.

The worlds richest man dissapears for years on end, fools the world into thinking he's dead, and just comes back one day. Now thats and entrance. And trust me, I've made my fair share of entrances.

"Mom, could you put the TV back on?" Mara says from behind me. I tense at her voice, solemn my own and turn to her, my stare cold. She swallows and gives a slight smile.

"No. Go back to bed. It's late and you have school tomorrow,"

"Okay," she responds dully, her eyebrows relax and she turns and walks back down the hallway. I wait until I hear her door close from all the way upstairs, still sitting on the couch.

I sigh and turn back to the black screened TV.

God, so much has happened today. I got my high interrupted, killed Luciano, Bruce Wayne came back, and Mara listened to me, for once may I add. It's exhausting being a single mom.

But it's not all bad, I still see that as a win win. Well, halfway.

Mara only listened to me for of three reasons.

Number one, between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm she must've seen a glimpse of Luciano's dead body- which was a hassle to clean up and bury.

Number two, I taught her how to sell, buy, and take drugs.

And number three, I threatened to shove a bar of soap down her throat if she said a word about any of this.

□ alfred □

The second that... person came back, the second he stood in that doorway to Wayne Mansion, I knew I was doomed.

• 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 • the dark knight •Where stories live. Discover now