Chapter Twenty-Three

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Coffee brewed, the smell of it wafting through the shop. 

Customers going in and out. Pastries and cakes are served fresh everyday. Books lined the many shelves the store had to offer. A smile was on her face as she served someone's order. It had been six months since her accident. 

Ever since then life has been slow, yet normal. 

She had an obsession with Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythology. Her rich chocolate brown hair was swept up in a loose bun. 

The television had been playing in the background. 


Her eyes met with his cold deep blue eyes. His mouth was formed into a frown. His hands were concealed in his coat's pocket.

 "Good Afternoon. Welcome to Midnight Ink. What can I get for you?" Claire asked, her honey eyes scanning the man. 

He looked harmless, but looks can be deceiving. Something about the man felt familiar, yet foreign all the same. 

"Black coffee and a scone." he said, his eyes following the woman's every movement. 

She nodded and started on the order. As soon as she got out the scone and coffee, the man still hadn't stopped looking at her. 

"You remind me of someone." he said out of the blue. His thoughts going back to the deceased Annabeth Chase. Flashbacks of her funeral filled his mind.

Six months ago..

The day was full of dread. No one wanted to see her laying so peacefully in that casket. Sadie and Carter Kane were finally re-united. Their uncle Amos was free of Tartarus' control. Loki disappeared that fateful day. Steve Rogers barely survived. His left hand would never be the same again. 

Tony Stark still couldn't believe his niece was a demigoddess and he didn't realise it. Tears stung his eyes as he looked at her. Her long golden locks were braided, a white strand clashed with the colour. Her lips were painted peach, she wore a sea blue dress. If he stared long enough at her, he could pretend she was still breathing.

Steve Rogers held onto the book she gifted him. It was the only piece of her he had left. She was gone. He couldn't be there for her.

Bucky barnes watched as they placed her in the ground. It was only yesterday he was talking to her on the rooftop of Avengers Tower. She slipped from his grasp before he could even get to know her.

Thalia, Nico, and Leo held each other as they said their goodbyes. Neither of them were ready. They all felt it was only yesterday that they had been together fighting at camp. When did everything go so wrong?

Stephen Strange stood there in a stiff suit. The collar felt too tight. Everything in him felt volatile, as if he was a bomb ready to explode. No one could stop the simmering man. A single tear leaked out of his eye as he said his goodbye. 

Many others wished her goodbye and told of her history. Mark Whitethron stood amongst the crowd. He hoped to be reunited with Annabeth in a happier way, not like this. It wasn't long ago he was escorting her to the airplane off to New York city to see her Uncle. It felt like a millennia to him.

The speech was starting. Yet no one was listening. Everyone kept replaying their time with Annabeth Chase in their mind. It was only when they covered the casket that the water works really began to show. 

No one knew how much a teenage girl would affect them.

Claire could only stare. 


"What is your name?" he asked, his gaze full of questions and curiosity. 

"Claire Smith." she introduced. 

"James." she said suddenly, a cold sensation filling her. 

Flashbacks of a different time filled her head. 

"How did you know that?" His voice was rough and full of emotion. 

"I-I don't know. It just popped up." she said, her voice faltering. She felt like these memories didn't belong to her. 

They weren't her. 

She wasn't her. 

"Y-you need to leave.' she said, her eyes full of tears. 

Bucky was about to question further, until he realised he had caught the attention of the whole store. 

"We'll meet again, Chase." Claire's heart stopped. 

I'm not her. 

I'm not her. 

I'm not her. She chanted. 

When she looked up again, the strange man was gone. 

It seemed this encounter would lead to many more in the future. 

Annabeth Chase could never be free of the Avengers and their undying love for her. 

Even as Claire Smith, she could never be ordinary. 

She could only ever be extraordinary

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