Chapter Nineteen

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Sadie shivered as they pulled closer to the mysterious house. 

After the incident between the NASA astronaut and the dust storm she stayed glued to Loki's side. 

The mischievous god couldn't help but chuckle at her nervousness. The young girl was able to distract him from the person we were to meet in a matter of seconds. 

There was an eerie silence in the air. It was thick and suffocating. It felt wrong to even breathe. 

Thor sighed tiredly. 

He didn't want to be here as much as his companions, but if they were to put an end to this threat they needed his older brother. 

Baldur had all the answers.

 He always did. 


Thor waited outside pensively, while Loki and Sadie stood a few feet away. 

The two felt the same anxiousness as the other. After a few minutes of silence, the door opened. A burly man stepped out. 

His gaze hardened and his eyes piercing. 

His green orbs seemed to hold so much pain and sadness. A permanent frown seemed to settle on his face. 

"To what do I owe the pleasure brothers?" he asked, his voice deep as a baritone. 

His eyes landed on the young girl standing next to his younger brother. 

"Why have you brought an Egyptian magician here?" he asked. 

Silence was his only reply. 

Thor couldn't seem to find the words. He had rehearsed this meeting so many times before, yet he still couldn't utter a single word. 

"Hi. I'm Sadie Kane. Something or someone has taken your staff and is using it to annihilate the world. The Duat is in a disarray. If we don't do something to stop this, Aphosis swallowing the sun will seem like a blessing." she said, her nerves spiking.

 She's always been confident, but there were limits. Being on this unknown planet with two gods she just met was passing her limits. 

She timidly looked at her combat boots, she couldn't hold her gaze with the mystery man's eyes. Baldur huffed and stared at Thor, then at Loki. 

"How could you have let this happen?" he asked, his voice turning to a reprimanding tone. 

"Thor, I left it in your care. How could you be so juvenile and irresponsible?" Loki bowed his head in shame. 

It wasn't his brother's fault that the staff went missing. It was his. It was his arrogance and blind rage that led to this. 

"Brother, it was I. I took the staff and gave it to one of the mortal organizations that are affiliated with Tartarus. I felt vengeful after father didn't allow me to become king. He would never let a first giant sit on the throne of Asgard. My greed and jealousy got the best of me and for that I am truly sorry." Loki said. 

His blood still boiled when he thought about his father. 

"Your confession is admirable, but the fault is still Thor's." Baldur said. 

Sadie had heard enough. 

Who was he to point the blame on these two? 

Sure, they made mistakes, but everyone does. 

There was no reason for him to blame his brothers.

"You know, instead of pointing the finger, why don't we just solve the problem and call it a day. Loki was being eclipsed by Thor and constantly being seen as the villain. His jealousy is understandable. Your father should have allowed for both to rule side by side. What does being a Frost Giant have to do with anything? You're both Asgardian princes. Yes, Thor lost the staff. We're all living and breathing people who have slip ups. I'm sure you're not Mr.Perfect all the time." the young magician said. 

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