Chapter Two

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Annabeth woke up feeling pain blooming against her jaw

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Annabeth woke up feeling pain blooming against her jaw. She could hear faint voices that were familiar to her. 

"I grant your request, daughter." an uncanny voice bellowed. 

Thunder clapped loudly signaling the promise had been fulfilled.

Her scratched cheek was pressed against a frigid surface causing goosebumps to prickle across her forearms and a slight sting to develop where a shallow wound was located. 

She opened her eyes to see recognizable architecture that she designed long ago. 

She lifted herself from the floor ignoring the intense stares headed in her way.

Pain blossomed in her right shoulder, causing her to hiss in agony. 

Her brows furrowed in confusion as to why she developed the shoulder injury. 

She finally made eye contact with the omnipotent and omniscient gods. 

She wondered why she was in Olympus and not at Camp Half-Blood. She should be training to stop the raising of Gaea.

"With no disrespect, why am I here? My friends and I need to prepare for battle, which is bound to happen in 3 days' time." she asked, finally noticing she was not alone.

Leo, Thalia, and Reyna were standing next to her. 

They gave her looks of pity and worry

Mostly intense stares of presentiment.

"Annie, it's Friday." Thalia whispered, sympathizing her friend who seemed to have no recollection of the past few days. 

Annabeth stared at the child of Zeus, trying to see if she was lying, but Annabeth knew Thalia wouldn't lie about serious events such as these. 

She closed her eyes trying to remember only to be met with blinding pain that caused her to whimper.

"I-I can't remember anything since Tuesday." she said, clenching her teeth from the pain she was receiving.

It vexed her that she couldn't remember anything from the past three days. Something big must have happened for her and her friends to be in front of the council. Did they win the war?

"Where's Percy?" she asked, noticing her fiancé wasn't there with them. 

Everyone in the room looked at Poseidon with eyes filled with sorrow and empathy.

 The god of the Sea looked down at his hands. Images of his now deceased son flashed before his eyes. The room grew quiet, too quiet. 

The small talk amongst the gods stopped.

All eyes were on Poseidon, waiting for an answer. 

Everyone was curious as to who would tell the horrific truth to the demigoddess.

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