Chapter Fourteen

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"Tony, where are we going?" Annabeth asked, slightly annoyed, half amused. 

The billionaire just smiled and kept walking. Soon the two reached a room full of expensive cars. 

"Take your pick." 

Annabeth just stared at all the lustrous vehicles on display, she could feel Tony smirking behind her. 

"Stop smirking, I know you're doing it." she said, irritated by his cockiness. 

Annabeth slowly started walking up to a red convertible, it was more on the older, classical side of the spectrum. 

"Good choice." Tony said, handing her the keys.

 "What do you want me to do with these?" she asked, having a blonde moment. 

Surely, he wasn't thinking of...of her driving. Look how well that went on her first quest. 

"I don't want to ruin-" 

"Lola." he said, interrupting. 

"Lola?" she asked, staring at him as if he grew a second head. 

"That's her name, Coulson named her." he said, staring at it dazedly. 

"Who's Coulson?" 

"Someone..annoying, irritating, caring, and sometimes humorous." Tony said, sounding solemn. 

Annabeth guessed he wasn't around anymore the way her uncle talked about him. 

"Anyway, I'm just holding onto her till Fury takes her back to the compound." he said, hopping in the antiquated car. 

Annabeth thrusted the keys into the startup. The car gave out a gentle growl, signaling it was still full of life. 

"Ready to go Lola?" she muttered under her breath.

 The car seemed to hum in excitement. 

"Happy, open the hatch." Tony told his watch. 

Nothing happened. 

"Please." he added. 

The door finally opened and the two were off.


Peter was having one hell of a day. 

More and more dead bodies showed up on the news. He was Spider-Man for god's sake, he was supposed to stop threats like this, not sit by idly. Some bystanders noticed how quiet the vigilante had become, less jokes, no commercial notes, some were even asking if he finally broke. 

The press were having a party with different conspiracies that popped up about him. 

"Spider-kid Finally Grows Up" 

"Webs Running Out of Puns?" 

"Stark Finally Shuts Him Up" 

Peter was fed up with all of it. His friends noticed his irritated ness and mood swings. They felt it best if they stayed away from him and gave him his space to get through whatever he was dealing with. 

Flash didn't get the memo. 

"Hey Parker, ready for a knuckle sandwich?" he taunted, squeezing his fists for effect. 

The arachnid just frowned and went back to his lunch, not in the mood to play weak Parker. Suddenly, his spidey-sense went off, he stayed still awaiting impact, but it never came. 

"Leave him alone, can't you see that he doesn't care what you do to him. He's so fed up with your juvenile behavior that it doesn't matter if you punch him, you won't get the attention you desire. You are just a stuck-up brat that doesn't know his place. So, I recommend that you leave my friend alone or I won't hesitate to offer you a sandwich of my own." a fierce blonde said, squeezing the bully's fist. 

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