Chapter Eighteen

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Tony kept thrumming his fingers against his thigh waiting for Bruce Banner to finish up with Annabeth. 

He knew she was going to be fine, she said something about 'ambrosia', the food of the gods. He noticed she had a slight limp and a few cuts, but overall she was safe and sound. 

As soon as he could get his hands on that son of a nutcracker of a wizard- 

"Hey Tony!" a female voice said as she sat next to him. 

"Sorry for making you worry-" she was saying until he cut her off with a big embrace. 

"Never disappear like that again." he said, his tone steely. 

He pulled back and actually looked at her. She seemed to almost be glowing. Her cuts had healed and scabbed over already and her limp was barely noticeable. 

"What did Bruce give you?" he asked incredulously. 

"Oh nothing special, just some balm and checking if I sprained my ankle. Thankfully, I just rolled it." she said, trying to avoid the question.

 It's not like she could say 'Why yes Uncle Tony, I had some ambrosia that I grabbed before leaving Camp Half-Blood and magically cured myself'. 

"Where's Strange?" he asked, looking around, his eyes filled with hatred. 

"Calm down, he had to go and check on something at the Nome in Egypt, you know how those cheese demons can be." the demigoddess said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 

Well, for her it was. 

Tony just looked at her as if she was crazy. 

"Bruce! I think she has a head injury, she's talking about cheese demons and gnomes." he said, getting up heading towards Bruce's lab.

 Before he left he turned around and said 

"Don't move, I think you may have hit your head somewhere." 

Just as Annabeth was about to sneak away she bumped into a wall. 

"Going somewhere?" a stern voice asked. 

The blonde looked up to see a worried, yet upset Steve with his arms crossed. 

"Yes, the fridge." she said jokingly. 

Steve gave her a look that said 'seriously, that's the best you've got?' 

"Fine. I'll explain."


When Sadie thought her day couldn't get any weirder, she was wrong. 

Very wrong. 

As of this moment she is standing in front of a house in the middle of nowhere. 

If she had to take a guess it was not Earth. 

The air was musty, all the surrounding area had a purplish tint to it. The arid landscape had an unsettling feeling. As if she took one breath it would be her last. Her gut was telling her to flee. Something about the planet felt wrong. 

As if everything had no purpose, as if it shouldn't exist. She still couldn't wrap her mind around exactly where they were. The ground where she stood was merely granules of white, powdery sand. 

The sky was dark, two planets revolved around each other. It would be quite beautiful under different circumstances. 

"Well, are you going to stand there all day?" Loki asked, sounding irritated. 

He didn't want to be here on this rotten planet. He especially did not want to see Baldur again, after his murder attempt on his half brother. 

"No." she mumbled as she followed them towards the house in the distance. 

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