Chapter Fifteen

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Annabeth opened her eyes to see a room with a widow that looked like an eye. Shelves of artifacts lined the intricate flooring. 

The design was very old, as well as the layout, it was ancient. There was a unique beauty about the window, being able to see New York from a different standpoint was always interesting. 

The room felt so calm, yet filled with energy. 

"Stephen, what is this place?" she whispered. 

"The Sanctum Sanctorum, where warriors like me train and learn the ways of the past. There are different sanctums around the world." he said. 

"So, they are kind of like Nomes?" she asked. 

"Yes, except the people who train in the Nomes already have the past DNA of pharaohs which empowers them, here almost anybody can use the gifts." he explained, looking out the window.

 "Are you okay?" he asked, scanning her for any injuries during the journey through the portal. 

Sometimes if one is not in the right mind during a jump it can lead to fatal outcomes. 

"Yeah, just dizzy." she said, holding her head. 

A constant, dull pounding sounded in her head. It made it hard to think. She had to check in with Nico and Will soon. 

Their plan was to go into action soon enough. 

So many things could go wrong. 

What was Tartarus up to? 

Would he come back for her? 

More torture sessions? 

"Annabeth?" a distant voice called.

 But, she was too far down memory lane. 

⚠️: Suicidal Thoughts

Water dripped loudly. 

The mustiness of the cell seemed to be suffocating. Annabeth clutched the shard of rock she carved out. 

She squeezed it, feeling warm liquid ooze onto the floor. 

Tears blurred her vision. Her body felt numb. Screams of unfortunate prisoners rang through the halls. 

Soon, she would be next. Her head spun painfully, her mind not able to focus anymore. 

Was this her weakest moment? 

Was she to end it all by one swipe? 

Just one swipe and it would be over. 

She could get out of this place. 

Red liquid seeped into the flow of water into her cell. If she didn't stop now she would meet Luke in the after life. 

She had always wondered how Luke was. Her first love and real friend. 

He taught her everything that she knew. He died by her blade, yet, died a hero. 

Would people remember Annabeth as one or would she be of the thousands who have perished? 

The one who fell into the pit of Tartarus never to be heard from again. The screams kept getting louder by the minute. 

She could save all these people, monsters, demigods, creatures. What she did next depended on her. 

She let go of the rock, a sigh escaped her lips as she felt relief course through her veins. 

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