Chapter Twenty-two

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A gentle breeze passed by making her blonde locks tickle her cheeks. 

Misery was evident on her face. A frown settled on her lips as she watched people go by. 

Families, friends, lovers. 

They were all her responsibility. 

If she failed, they would perish. 

It felt as if she were back under the prisoner of Atlas holding the sky. Everyone was counting on her. She was the key to stopping everything. 

She had a duty. She was the sacrifice, along with two other souls. A sob bubbled in her throat as she mulled over the situation. She was so distraught that she didn't notice the woman with almond shaped eyes approaching. 

Even if she did, it wouldn't matter. The Fates could screw up her life and she wouldn't notice. The mysterious woman sat next to the teen, the look on her face was guarded, yet empathetic. She too, knew what it was like to hold up the weight of the world. 

Heck, she had to fight for her own kind so they weren't lab rats.

 "Are you Annabeth Chase?" the woman asked gently, her tone soft as if she were speaking to a caged animal. 

The child of Athena glanced at the woman. 


"I have a few questions, depending on how you answer them, you may end up in the clear." The woman said, her eyes meeting the demigoddesses' tired grey orbs. 

Annabeth nodded, there was no fight left in her. 

"My name is Daisy Johnson, I work with S.H.I.E.L.D. There has been several cases these past weeks where people have been brutally murdered. The strangest part about the case is that the bodies turn to an ash-like substance after a period of time." Daisy could see the girl stiffen and shake. 

Annabeth could see the victims in her mind. They were her fault, she was the cause of their untimely deaths. It was because she wasn't intelligent enough to figure out how to stop Tartarus. 

She had been selfish. 

Daisy pondered on her next question. She could hear Melinda May ready to take the teenager into custody. 

"Annabeth, we need to know who's behind all these attacks." she said softly. 

The girl nodded as tears streamed down her face. 

"They won't let me tell you. But, I can offer you this. The problem will be resolved. No more mortals shall be harmed." the demigoddess said, purposely saying 'mortals'. 

"Who is trying to hurt you? My team can offer you protection as long as you help us." Agent Johnson tried reasoning. 

A sob escaped Annabeth. If only it were that easy. There is no such thing as protection when you are a demigod. 

"Y-you c-can't protect me. My fate is sealed. I'm sorry." she said, her heart breaking.

 Daisy stared at the girl, lost on what to do. 

"Annabeth, there is always a way." Daisy said, grasping her hands in hers. 

Annabeth could only stare. 

She nodded and then whispered something to Agent Johson. 

A silent agreement passed through them.


A musk hung in the air. 

Withered fingers clasped strings, ready to cut them. An eye passed between three persons. The eye that can see all. 

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