Merry Christmas

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Everyone gathered in the living room. Excitement filled Peter as he sat next to the decorated tree. A gleeful smile graced his features as he handed everyone gifts. The heroes looked exhausted and still asleep, even after Peter Parker's wakeup call. The coffee machine chose that day to be broken.

"Calm down, Bambino." Tony said, trying to calm the excited child.

He loved seeing Peter so happy.

"Why are you mortals so loud? Is it Walpurgisnacht, yet?" the god of mischief asked, rubbing his eyes.

"The what?" Bruce asked, looking up from the newspaper. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"It's-you know what, never mind." Loki said, too tired to even explain.

"Mr. Loki it's Christmas! The best day of the year, well Halloween also comes in top as well." the young arachnid explained.

His ugly Christmas sweater blinked brightly as he made large gestures with his hands. He was having trouble keeping his excitement inside.

Loki just cocked his head to the side, still not understanding fully what was happening.

"Okay, let me explain. Around midnight Santa Claus comes and delivers gifts to the good boys and girls of the world." Peter started to explain until he was rudely interrupted by a certain demigoddess.

"So, you're saying this guy breaks into people's homes, places gifts under a dead corpse of a tree that you decorate. He also watches you during the year to know if you have been 'good' or 'bad'." Annabeth said.

Everyone just stared at her. The room grew deadly quiet.

Suddenly, laughter rang out throughout the living room.

"Wow, you mortals and your traditions." Loki said, wiping tears from his eyes.

The team couldn't be more surprised by Annabeth's conclusion or Loki's laughter.

"Moving on, let's open the presents under the dead corpse." Clint said, looking beyond done with the day already.

"This is for you Mr. Stark." the young superhero said, handing his mentor a messily wrapped present.

Let's just say there was some duct tape in places where there shouldn't have been. Tony smiled at the teenager, loving him even more and more.

"What did we say about calling me 'Mr. Stark'?"

"Okay, Dad." Peter said, smirking, yet looking nervous.

"U-uh, that's fine." Tony said, speechless.

Everyone else laughed at the two.


Loki watched as everyone opened presents slowly disappearing into the background until someone tapped his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Annabeth asked, flashing him a jubilant smile.

"I-I was" he barely managed to say.

It was embarrassing enough that she caught him. She just laughed at his reaction. He fully looked at her and noticed her hands behind her back.

"What are you hiding?" he asked, raising a brow.

"This is for you."

She pulled out a beautifully wrapped box-shaped object. The wrapping paper was of cute winter wonderland creatures, an obnoxious red bow sat atop the gift.

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