chapter nineteen

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The death of Melody returned the spark of pure hatred I had for people.


Jezebel kept egging me on to kill each guard.  With her practically controlling me I didn't even have to touch them to kill. All I had to do was point my hand in their direction and green light shot out.



"Ah Tessa dear I see your mad." Jenny fumbled with the gun in her hands.

"You have no idea!" I seathed continuing my stalk towards my prey.

"Tessa listen to me-"

"I'M DONE LISTENING TO YOU JENNY. your nothing but a cynical, baneful, foul, hideous, malicious, no good, repugnant, spiteful, vile, person! You killed a seven year old!" I wiped my face blood mixing with tears.

"Tessa I am not and will never be a child killer" she clicked the gun.

"Yes. You. Are!" I charged at her as she fired bullet after bullet.

I yanked her hair pulling her down to the ground and kicked her in the ribs hearing the wonderful sound of her ribs breaking.  An old fashioned cat fight wouldn't be complete with out a bitch slap.

However my bitch slap, well it's deadly. I pulled her to her feet with inhuman strength and slapped her so hard some of her teeth were nocked out.

"Tessa let me finish her." Sarg said pushing me away.

"Gladly." I smiled at Sarg.

'What are you doing! Kill her yourself damn it'

'Shut up and get out of my head bitch.'

A sickening crack came from Jenny. Sarg broke her arm. Crack. Her other arm. Crack. Her leg. Crack. Her other leg. Snap. Her neck.

"Let's go Tessa" Sarg grunted and pulled me by my arm out of the facility.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"They are in the middle of route 66 along with your friends from Alaska. The battle is commensing. Would you walk faster" he wasn't about to slow down anytime soon so I picked up my pace so I was at a full sprint and him at a light jog.
In honor of toxin almost reaching 1 k reads here is an update that has yet to be edited

Ps why are guys assholes?




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