𝟭𝟬 george and martha: couple goals

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CHAPTER TENgeorge and martha: couple goals

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george and martha: couple goals


HERMES EXPRESS IS located in a small UPS off a side road, oddly enough. On a bus, Connor and Verona had decided to make it out of California first, fed up with the golden state and it's lack of good tidings to them, and had gotten off in Las Vegas, both looking extremely tired and worn out, and both glaring heatedly at each other as they trekked into the UPS facility. Tensions had been high ever since they had gotten on that bus and ended up crammed together side by side for over six hours, and Verona felt as though her teeth had been gritted to half their size pushing against each other every time Connor tried to get comfortable in the small aisle seat, his long legs hitting against the seat in front of him.

"Alright, how does this work?" Verona clapped her hands together, staring at the dainty UPS facility. It was small with a few machines here and there, boxes to put stuff in and a large counter to send packages off and pay, though nobody seems to be available at the counter — nobody seems to be anywhere in the store at all.

Connor pulls the shield from his side, where he was keeping it (the mist had thankfully blocked it out to look like something completely mortal — probably a guitar. Verona internally laughed at the thought of Connor strumming along to a guitar) and pulls a large box from the corner of the store, placing the shield in the box and closing it tightly, grabbing some tape off the corner of the counter and pulling at it until it taped shut.

"Pass me that," He murmured to her, pointing at a label lying beside her on the counter. Verona nods awkwardly, handing him the label and he grabs a pen, scratching a few words onto the label — she's surprised to see his writing is even neater than hers, with levelled letters and clear margins, even when it's capitalized.


With much love,
Connor and Verona

"He's not going to like that," Verona hissed at Connor as she watched him angrily write a little note at the bottom for the God of war from him and her.

He frowned and shook his head angrily, slamming the label onto the box. "He doesn't have to." Connor picked up a leather pouch and a small stamp from a small box over the counter, pulling the pouch open from the string after he put the stamp on the corner of the box — it wasn't a regular one, with one of a man with flying wings. Hermes, Verona realized. "Hand me a few drachmas, will you?"

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