"I dunno, it just popped into my head." Peter replied shrugging, humming the song again.

High Peter is certainly interesting Tony thought to himself

Once they were at Stark Tower, Tony parked the car, reminding himself to remind FRIDAY to remind him to move the car into their private garage.

Tony got out of the car and then carried Peter into Stark Tower. "How are you this light?" Tony asked

"Spiders don't have bones" Peter giggled

Tony froze as his eyes popped out of his sockets,"whAT?" he asked

"Bendy bones!" Peter stated as he giggled

"You know what? It's fine, I'll ask Brucie Bear later." Tony mumbled as he continued walking into Stark Tower, carrying Peter like a baby.

Tony stepped into the private elevator, FRIDAY automatically moving the elevator to the penthouse.

"HELLOOOOOOOO!" Peter yelled as soon as the elevator doors opened.

"Why must he yell?" Tony said under his breath as he put Peter down so he could stand on his own two feet. Peter stood up and leaned on Tony as he side hugged him.

"Is he okay?" Bruce asked Tony about Peter who was currently tryiung to climb on the walls but was being heled back by Tony.

"I concur, is Young Starkson well?"

"Kind of." Tony vaguely said as he pulled Peter to sit down on the couch.

"'Kind of'? What do you mean 'kind of'?" Natasha asked, bringing out her daggers

"Before you jump to conclusions, the nurses and doctors or whatever didn't do anything to him other than take out his wisdom teeth, obviously. The anesthesia they gave him is making him, er, very loopy." Tony explained, as he texted May that Peter was fine.

"Loopy? What do you mean 'loopy'?" Bucky asked

"Imbecilic basically." Tony explained to him

'Imbecilic'?" Steve asked as he chuckled sheepishly while Bucky rolled his eyes at his boyfriends antics.

"Silly, idiotic, foolish. All of those words." Tony said

"Oh, how silly?" Steve asked

"Extremely, grandpa, extremely." Tony said as Peter activated his webshooters and started shooting them rapidly.

One of the webs hit Sam, sticking him to the wall, "Again?" He sighed as he tried to get the web-fluid off.

Another web was about to hit Wanda when she used her powers to move it out of her away. The web was going to Natasha when she threw he dagger at it, making the web wrap around it instead of her.

Another web hit Bucky, making his vibranuim arm get stuck to the wall, "Why is it always me and birdbrain?" he complained

The last one of the webs was about to hit Loki when he just used his magic to get it away from him, unfornately getting it to smack Clint againstthe wall.

"Woah, what happened in here?" Pepper asked as she walked into the living room seeing SpiderMan webs all over the place and Sam, Clint and Bucky on the wall.

"Your son" Sam and Clint grumbled as he tried to get unstuck. Bucky deactiviated his metal arm and then fell to the floor, "Sucks to be you, birdheads." Bucky said, walking away.

"What about my son, feathers for brains?" Pepper asked in a dangerous voice as she glared at Sam and Clint.

"Er, nothing just that he's an abosolute joy." Sam stammered out, scared of Pepper.

"Uh, nothing except the fact that he's amazing person and we, er, love him." Clint stuttered out, scared for his life.

The women in the household were scary.

"Cha cha real smooth Samuel." Pietro commented dryly as he snickered

"Impressive save, Clinton" Loki saracastically said

"Shut up, Wannabe Flash." Sam retorted as Clint said "Zip it, Rip-Off Snape." making Bucky howl with laughter

"Where is Peter?" Natasha, Wanda and Pepper asked in unison

"Uh, he's right, uh,what......?" Pietro trailed off in confusion

"Where'd he go?" Bruce wondered

"He was here a second a go! I swear!" Tony exclaimed, putting his hands up in defense.

"Idiots." Natasha mumbled, shaking her head.

"FRIDAY where's Peter?" Wanda asked

"Bambino is currently at the Avengers Compound upstate." FRIDAY replied, sounding as if she was chuckling.

Everyone went dead silent.

"Run that by me again, FRI?" Tony asked, breaking the silence.

"Peter Benjamin Parker Stark is at the Avengers Compound which is upstate at the moment." FRIDAY repeated sounding amused.

"HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO LOSE HIM!?" Pepper exploded

"I have no idea" Tony replied

The Avengers, world's mightest heroes, managed to lose a 15 year old boy in a matter of five minutes. How does this happened? No one knows.


Hey guys! Hoped you enjoyed that chapter! The request from @Melissahs will be out next, sorry it's taking so long.

Hoped you liked that chapter!

- Riya_Bhavika

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