Chapter 79

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(I don't know if this song is technically the right mood for this scene, but there's something fitting about it, I think~)

I rejoin Newt when the bus stops in front of a building. The sun is sinking on the horizon, and I'm glad for the chance to stretch my legs.

Newt blinks, not recognizing me for half a second.

"You cut your hair."

I let my lips curve into a half-smile. "Well, I don't know what this place is like, but someone once told me to have hope for the unknown. So I'm hoping we're free."

He returns my smile, and takes my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. "I hope so, too."

We follow our rescuers into the building. There are multiple long tables, and, best of all, pizza.

"Eat and rest up," one of the adults says. "We'll move you to a different facility in the morning."

The horde of hungry Gladers don't need to be told twice, and we all converge on the food as if we're Grievers on a helpless Greenie, unpleasant as the image is to me.

I almost stab Minho with a fork for a piece of pizza that we grab at the same time, but thankfully he has enough sense to release it. There's enough for all of us, and soon we're talking and laughing at the tables while scarfing down the food.

I've never seen the boys look so relieved. There was always an undercurrent of tension in the Glade – a feeling that we might soon die or that we would never get out. Now, though, everyone is hopeful.

Even Newt can't stop grinning.

Some Gladers start making toasts with the soda and water on the tables, toasts to those who didn't survive. Soon we're all roaring the names with one voice.













Name after name, many that I don't even know, we shout until there's nothing more to say, no more dead to honor.

I won't forget them. I'll never abandon the memory of this day, of the sheer number of dead Gladers we had to list.

I'll never let it happen again. They may have been inconsequential to WICKED, they may have been forgotten by the world, but I will carry this grief. I will hold on to their memories.

I will make the world burn with their pain.

A/N: Fun story, I named most of the extra Gladers after professors I've had at my local community college. They're pretty cool people, it was a fun shout out to them. 

Good Grief (TMR fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora