Chapter 55

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I can tell he's just woken up by his hair that's sticking up every direction, but Minho is already getting ready for a run. I start following his actions, as well as braiding my hair and fastening it with a rubber band Frypan lent me.

Minho raises an eyebrow at me, but doesn't say anything. After a minute, Thomas jogs up to us, also starting to get ready.

"You're coming, Ash?" he asks when I strap on my knives, looking a bit surprised.

I grit my teeth and give him a slight glare. "Minho," I say, turning to the other boy. "If this is going to keep happening we need to get out. Can we stay in the Maze overnight this time?"

Minho gives me a tenser version of his cocky smile. "You took the words out of my mouth. Thomas has been asking about that, too. Let's pack some extra food and water, and see what it's like in that sucker at night."

"I mean, technically we already did," I mumble, and Thomas laughs softly.

"So you're going?" Newt asks from behind Minho, and I glance at him for a moment.

"Yeah. I'm healed enough from the knock to my head, and even if I wasn't, I can't just sit here. Not now."

He nods. "Good luck, Ash."

"I'll be safe, I promise," I say, having every intention to keep my word. I don't want to die while stuck in a place like this. "You have to stay safe, too, Newt."

"I will." He bites his lip nervously. "Just... don't die, okay? I really, really don't know what I'd do if they got you."

I smile at him, and even though I can feel the sadness in my expression I try to keep the mood lighthearted. "Yeah, if they can take me down there's not much hope for the rest of you!"

Good Grief (TMR fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora