The Doomsday Project

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The device surrounded by a high, security wall. The camera pans to a temporary HQ nearby, then moved up to a bank of windows through which Robotnik was standing, hands clasped behind him, gazing admiringly out at the machine, Snively at his side.

"An object of beauty, don't you agree, Snively?" Robotnik asked.

"Very lovely. Sir," Snively said.

"Within twenty-four hours, I will control every inch of this planet." he said and chuckled. "Every inch!" he said held up a remote, pointed it at the Machine. "The dream begins." he said and pushed a button then a red light blinked on and Snively chuckled himself.

Night engines roared to life in sequence, smoke billowing from exhaust vents. The ground shaking from their power. Robotnik smiled as the entire building atop he stood on shook violently. He inhaled deeply before letting out a contented sigh.

Robotnik smiled.

"Now that, is beautiful music, Snively." he said.

"Beautiful, sir."

From the base, the machine engine shot out in all directions and tubes telescope from the machine, striking the ground and boring straight down.

Back in Knothole, Team Sonic were with Rotor in his workshop, Rotor was working on his latest invention for the Freedom Fighters.

"How much longer, Rote?" Sonic asked.

"Nearly done, Sonic." Rotor said and paused as Sonic paced impatiently with Knuckles leaning against the wall and Tails sitting on the window sill. "Ready!" he said and presented what appears to be nothing more than a water balloon to them.

"What's the target?"

"That pile of scrap metal."

"I'll give it the old fastball!" Sonic said grunted then flew the balloon at the scrap metal.

When it burst, it released a cloud of dust. When it cleared, the scrap metal was dissolved by the solution that was in the balloon.

"Whoa!" Rotor said.

"Man... Way cool, Rote!" Sonic said.

"How many of those balloons can you make?" Tails asked.

"About twenty-five."

"Rote, I guarantee that they're going to do some serious damage to Robuttnik's Doomsday Machine." Sonic said checking his watch. "Ooh, I'm going to check the lookouts. Later, Rote!" he said and sped off as Rotor returned to his work and Knuckles and Tails went with him.

A full moon gave the forest an eerie glow and backlights the lookout post high in a tree where Antoine yawned and "bobbed", fighting sleep, when Sonic roared up and found him having dozed off, much to Sonic's annoyance when he finds him.

Antoine was snoring and yawning.

"Ah, Princess Sally I love you." he said.

"Oh, man...if brains had hair, he'd be a cue ball." Sonic said tapping his foot impatiently then leaned closer.

"You're kidding me." Knuckles said now next to him.

"Of course he's sleeping. He's always doing that." Tails said on the other side.

"Yo, Ante!" Sonic said.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Antoin yelled and jumped straight up, banging his head on the branch above, before plummeting to the ground, screaming.

Sonic managed to race down and catch him before he hit the ground while Tails and Knuckles snickered. Antoine was still whimpering and covering his eyes.

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