Sonic Conversion

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A vehicle was chased by Swat-Bots. It landed, and Ari got out and ran away.

Sonic, Knuckles and Sally were dismantling a ship.

"Any year now, Sal!" Sonic said.

"You know, your unremitting perseverance is an example to us all, Sonic." Sally said.

"Say what?"

"Just move it."

"Hold on to your socks, Sal!" he said and carried a rope with an anchor, rising the ship's pieces.

"That's good Sonic!"

"Yeah! Any cool stuff for the Deroboticizer?"

"No, nothing yet." Knuckles said.

"Man, what is all this junk? Hey, check this! A toaster!"

"Oh my Gosh, Sonic! That's a magnetic field generator!"

"You mean it's not a toaster? Then what's it do?" Knuckles asked.

"It's a very powerful magnet."

Meanwhile Antoine, Tails and Dulcy were at the Lookout.

"Magnifique! My princess Sally, I'm seeing my love for you is like a huge fungo salad, my little tomato... You are the onions of my eyes... The gray flowers of my ear... The cucumber..." Antoine said.

"Ant, you're making me hungry. Besides, we're supposed to be lookouts." Tails said.

"That's right, Tony. Lookout!" Dulcy said.

Antoine shouted and Tails and Dulcy laughed.

Back with Sonic, Knuckles and Sally.

"Wow, it's still in excellent shape!" Sally said.

"Let's check it out!" Sonic said.

"Careful Sonic! Switch that on and you'll attract every piece of metal within 50 feet."

"Woah! That could be ugly."

"Yoo-hoo! Alló, ma princesse!" Antoine said.

"Ew, speaking of ugly..." Knuckles said.

"I have written for you, my princess! I'm falling in love with you!" Antoine said and slip made the ship's pieces fall.

"Sonic, the magnet!" Sally said and Sonic got the magnet causing Antoine to fall from a tree.

"Nice landing, Ant. You gotta teach that to Dulcy." Knuckles said.

"Are you OK, Antoine?" Sally asked.

"Moi? But of course, my princess. I've never been so much better..." Antoine said.

Back to the Lookout.

"Dulcy, check this out! Somebody is coming." Tails said.

Dulcy saw Ari and the bots through camera.

"Oh, oh! Swat-bots! You better tell Sonic!" she said.

Back with Sonic, Knuckles, Sally and Antoine.

"Sonic! Knuckles! Sonic! Knuckles!" Tails said.

"What's up, big guy?" Sonic asked.

"Sonic, Swat-Bots! They're chasing some guy this way."

"Some guy?" Knuckles said.

"Yeah, over there!"

"I'll check it out!"

"Sonic, lead the bots back here." Sally said.

"Say what?"

"I've got an idea, trust me."

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