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In the Robotropolis factory where the fuel tankers for Project Doomsday were being worked on, Chuck was working on one of the tankers, when he spotted the Tech-bots on the landing above pass by, leaving their control room unattended. Checking to see if it was clear, he turned off the automated welder he was using and snuck off to gather more intel for the Freedom Fighters. However, after he left his post, Snively was coming down the aisle checking the tankers, flanked on either side by a SWAT-bot, when he noticed Chuck making his way across the upper corridor.

"Hmm..." he said suspicious.

In the control room, Chuck started downloading the schematics for the tankers, transferring them to a disk he stored in the slot in his robotic body's chest. However, before he could collect the tankers' schedule, he was interrupted by Snively.

"You there! What are you doing in here?!" Snively asked.

"Circuit breaker tripped, Sir. Reset." Chuck said and left the control room, but Snively was still suspicious.


Meanwhile Sonic was making his way through Robotropolis to see Chuck with a chili dog in hand.

"Be cool, stomach. Here it comes!" he said and devoured the chili dog upside-down, on a Hover Unit to get near Chuck's hideout. "Time to blow this chili stand!" he said and deactivated the magnets on the underside of his shoes and roared off to Chuck's hideout. "Thanks for the ride, bud. Gotta run!"

In Chuck's hideout Chuck was scanning the area for trouble, but as Sonic approached, he turned off his periscope, and the red glow of his robotic eyes turned off as Sonic entered.

"Sonic! Oh, this is a nice surprise." he said.

"Double nice, Unc! Moi, and a chili dog!" Sonic said.

Chuck gasped in joy as seeing some organic food he brought for him.

"Oh, why thank you, Sonic." he said and munched down on the food, ending with a gulp and short burp. "Delicious!"

"Cool. Anything up with the fuel tankers?"

"Yeah, I just got the schematics." Chuck said and removed the disk from his chest slot and handed it to Sonic.

"Way past, Unc! Sal's been waiting for this! Any word on the schedule?

Chuck shook his head.

"Not yet. It might take a while. Snively almost caught me today."

"Ya gotta bail, Unc. Come back to Knothole."

"No way, Sonic. My job here is still vital."

"Yeah, but it's getting mondo nasty."

Chuck went back to his periscope to check to see if it was safe for him to escape back to the others as Sonic voiced his concern. Sonic stuck the disk into his backpack.

"It's the chance we have to take. It's clear. Better get that disk to Sally. I'll let you know when I get the tanker schedule."

Sonic hugged him.

"Be careful, Unc."

Chuck pulled out a remote.

"I will." he said and opened the door with the remote, and Sonic made his getaway back to Knothole.

After he left, the door closed again while Chuck went back to his spy work.

Meanwhile the Doomsday Project was still under construction.

"...and all Doomsday engines will be ready for testing by midday tomorrow. Are you on schedule with the fuel tankers?" Robotnik said.

"A tad ahead, Sir." Snively said.

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