Sub Sonic

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At Robotnik's oil drilling platforms.

"Excellent, Snively." Robotnik said as his face appeared on a monitor. "It appears that the probes have found another oil lake.

"It appears that way, Sir." Snively said.

"What are the holding tank oil levels?"

"36 percent capacity, Sir. By tonight we should reach 50 percent."

"Oh, I assure you Snively, you will do better than 50 percent; much better."

"But, Sir, we've been running at maximum power for 10 days..."

"We will go on 10 days if necessary. Understood?"

"Understood, Sir."

"There is a world of oil down there, Snively, and I shall have it all."

At Great Forest.

"I just don't understand it, Rotor. I calculated the exact proportions of water to sun ratio and energized the soil, but these trees don't respond." Sally said.

"Yeah. They look pretty sick all right. In fact, a lot of the trees around here aren't looking so hot." Rotor said.

"Antoine, how are the other trees doing?"

Antoine sighed.

"Oh, not so too very good my Princess." he said.

"How come the trees are dying, Aunt Sally?" Tails asked.

"Well, I think Robotnik's pollution is spreading farther and farther from the city, honey."

"Well, I am thinking that maybe they die from this horrible fraternizer. Phew!" Antoine said.

Tails laughed.

"Not fraternizer, Antoine. Fertilizer." he said.

Then thunder went off.

"What is this?"

"Looks like a storm is coming. Maybe some rain will bring these trees back to life." Sally said.

Meanwhile Sonic and Knuckles were on the bridge.

"Just put the pedal to the metal and baby I guarantee... You'll be juicin' to the tenth degree. Crank it supersonic. It don't take any fuel, cuz the rocket's in my pocket and I'm wa-a-a-a-a-a-ay past cool!" Sonic sang and bowed to an imaginary audience and Knuckles. "Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you."

Then a fish jumped out of the river and back into the river.

"Whoa!" Knuckles said.

"Hang on, fish sticks, cuz we're gonna rock 'n' reel!" Sonic said and they were dragged down the river.

"Whoa! This is one tough tuna!"

They continued sliding down the river while hanging onto Sonic's fishing pole. As they headed to the log, they let go of Sonic's fishing pole.

They coughed.

"Rather have a chili dog anyway." he said.

"I'd rather have grapes." Knuckles said.

Later they were at Freedom Fighters' garden.

"And I'll tell ya, that fish stick was so big, he pulled us right off the bridge and we water-skied behind him for 10 miles. Then he stole my pole!" Sonic said.

"Bummer. I was ready for some fish sticks." Rotor said.

"I bet he was big as a tree, huh Sonic? Bet it was even big as a house, huh?" Tails said.

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