The Odd Couple/Ro-Becca

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The Odd Couple

At Knothole Village the snow was blowing everywhere, as Dulcy came through the fog, sporting snow gear to fight the weather while losing her breath.

"Where is that stupid meadow?" she said.

Sonic and Antoine had made a landing ground for Dulcy with lights.

"See her yet, Ant?" Sonic asked.

Antoine was looking into the sky with a pair of binoculars.

"No... All I am seeing is too much snowing." he said with no idea the binoculars were covered in snow while Sonic noticed.

"Gee, I wonder why..."

"Oh my my! The snow is getting so much worser. What is this?" he said and gasped.

Sonic grabbed the binoculars.

"Check it out, Ant." he said and brushed off the snow.

"Ah! Oui oui! Heheheh! I am finding the fried egg up on my face! Hahaha!"

"You mean egg on your face, Ant."

Antoine gasped.

"I do? Where?"

Sonic shook his head then used the binoculars and saw Dulcy in the sky.

"There she is! Hold these, Ant!" he said and sped back to his spot and picked up the guide lights. "Talk to me, Ant!"

"Eh-t-t-talking to you? Eh, what should I say?"

"How about telling me where Dulcy is so I can guide her in?!"

"Ok... Here she is coming. She is too crooked."

"Level off, Dulcy! Level off!"

"Move-ed to the left... no no no! More to the right! Now ghost- I mean left! Left! Right- No, other left! Right!?"

Sonic lost it under his breath.

"Oh brother, can you believe this guy?"

"Make up your mind, Sonic! Coming in for a landing!" Dulcy said and hit the ground, but the icy snow sent her flying at them.

They screamed as they leapt out of the way.

"Oh man! We got trouble! She's heading for the huts!" Sonic said then sped off and slid over to a nearby tree with a warning bell and started it up.

Tails, Sally and Bunnie looked out their door and window to see what the fuss was about. Knuckles was with them to say good night to Tails.

"What the?" Knuckles said.

"Oh no!" Sally said.

"Oh my stars, will you look at that!" Bunnie said.


Tails, Knuckles, Sally, and Bunnie ran out just in time, as Dulcy slid into the huts, demolishing them.

"I'm home, ma... oh, boy..." Dulcy said.

Sonic ran up to Dulcy.

"You okay, Dulce?" he asked.

"Just a little headache, ma..."

"Now where are we gonna sleep?" Tails asked.

"Now that is a good question, Tails." Sally said.

"Yeah, mondo problemo." Sonic said.

"You can say that again." Knuckles said.

At Antoine's Hut Antoine was singing.

"Alouette, cleana Alouette. Alouette, cleana boot today. Je te cleana-rai la boot. Je te cleana-rai la boot. Et la boot, not my stoot. But them too, sacrebleu! Alouette, cleana Alouette." he sang then kissed his boot. "Goodnight, my shiny clean little friends!" he said and shut a closet full of the same uniforms.

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