Hooked on Sonics

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Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Sally, Bunnie and Antoine were in Great Forest and Sonic was fighting Snively and a Swat-Bot.

"Now the Shredder will absorb the life force energy from the living tissue. Dr. Robotnik will use that energy to power his new Sonic Radar." Snively said. "The sensors are picking up a life force! It's that miserable hedgehog."

"Hold it right there, bird legs!" Sonic said.

"Take the intruder." Swat-Bot said.

"Wait! He's a life force. The shredder will destroy him. It should prove amusing." Snively said.

"Look out behind you! Just kiddin'." Sonic said.

"What is Sonic doing?" Sally said.

"Ha! Acting like a complete fuel, as usual." Antoine said.

"That's what he is Ant. Just being himself. Knuckles said and shrugged.

"Ohh Wanna play some hardball, huh? Okay. Check out this move!" Sonic said.

"Sonic, no!" Sally said.

"That's it, sugarhog!" Bunnie said.

"Sonic!" Tails said.

"What are you doing?!" Knuckles asked.

Then everyone cheered for victory.

"What is 'appened? What is 'appened?" Antoine asked.

"Oh my! It's out of control!" Snively said.

"Commence laser fire." Swat-bot said.

"Yo, goombots! Over here!" Sonic said.

"Cease fire! Cease fire! Retreat! Retreat!"

"Look out, the hedgehog is back! Yo, bird legs! Your shoelace is untied." he said and the Shredder fell to the ground after being tied up. "All right! Am I cool or what? Juice time!"

A few minutes later they were in Knothole cheering for victory during the campout.

"Oh, yes, that's the way to do it!" Bunnie said.

"Yeah, all right Sonic!" Tails said.

Knuckles gave him a high five.

"Y'all are a regular hero, sugarhog!"

"Yeah, my favorite part was when that bird-legged machine tripped and" Rotor started. "BLAM! Ancient history!" he said and whistled while everyone cheered for victory once again.

"You're too kind, too kind." Sonic said.

"Weren't ya scared, Sonic?" Tails asked.

"Heck no, little bro! I just juice 'em and reduce 'em."

"Come on Tails, when is Sonic ever scared?" Knuckles said.

"Ugh, I think I will be chunking." Antoine said.

"Sonic." Sally said. "You were great." she said and gave him a kiss.

Knuckles covered Tails eyes smirking.

"Oh, brothers!" Antoine said.

Knuckles knew Antoine was jealous of Sonic.

"Sonic?" Sally said.

"Just kiddin' Sal. Kiss wasn't that great." Sonic said.

"Oh, really?"


"I suppose you can do better?"

"Is grass green? Is water wet?"

"Yuck. Eww, gross." Tails said.

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