Fed Up with Antoine/Ghost Busted

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Fed Up with Antoine

At Robotropolis Antoine was sneaking around and panicking. A stray piece of paper flew into his face, and he fumbled around until he finally got it off and continued on his journey. Then he found a statue gargoyle head, and tried to pull it out, but couldn't get it to budge. He picked up a rock, and raised it over his head.

"Come on, you stupid gargoling head!" he said and started hammering the rock on the statue, until it broke in two.

Then he picked up one half of the rock and tossed it behind him.

"Stupid rock!" he said then heard a clunk.

"Intruder! Freeze!" a Swat-Bot said and readied a lazer.

"I am frozen! I am frozen!"

"Walk ahead, prisoner!"

"Wha...? Oh-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no... no! You must be making the large mistake, monsieur! I am doctor Robotni- I, uh- I mean, doctor Robotnik is my closest friend, yeeeees! We are like... uuuh... two peas in a pod, heh heh..."

"Come on, Ant!" Sonic said and sped in and rescued him.

"Hedgehog alert!" the Swat-Bot said and started firing his laser, as Antoine screamed.

The two raced to another part of the city.

"What's with you, Ant!? You nearly blew our blind drop location!" Sonic said.

"What "Blew"? I 'ave blown nothing." Antoine said.

Sonic rolled his eyes.

"Ooohhhh... Where's Uncle Chuck's message?" he asked.

"Thee uh me- thee uh message? Uhhm, wh-well I, um..."

"Aauuugh! You blew that, too!? Ah man!"

"I didn't not blew you're stupid message, and I am not needing your stupid 'elp. I am having everything under control. Hmm."

"Oh yeah? Well if you're so cool, then it should be no prob getting back to Knothole alone!" Sonic said in his face then sped off as Antoine let out a gasp.

"Sonic-wait! It's just my little joke, Sonic! I am not having everything under control-"

Suddenly, Sonic's hand reached out and tapped him on the shoulder, sending him into the air, and Sonic caught him as he screamed, but Antoine couldn't be happier.

"'ello! Bonsoir!" he said and started kissing Sonic on the cheeks.

"Yo, Ant! Chill out!" Sonic said.

"My favorite 'edgehog!"

Later at Knothole Tails was beating up a Robotnik dummy.

"Hee-ya!" he said and sent the dummy flying, and Bunnie was applauding.

"Alright Tails! Just keep that left arm out there a little more." she said.

"Ok, Aunt Bunnie!"

"Pardonnez moi, mademoiselle." Antoine said.

"Hi Antoine!" Bunnie said and tripped as she caught him.

"Aheheh... may you have a word with me?" he asked.

"Sure thing, sugar!" she said and set him down.

"Good. I am wonder if you can teach moi about, how do you say, uh... marshmallowarts?"

"...You want to learn "Martial arts"?"

"Wee! Yes, of course! I am thinking, one lesson is all I am needing!" he said and tried leaning on a nearby tree, misses, and fell.

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