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At Robotropolis a manhole open up and Chuck climbed out. He looked up into the sky, and saw Sonic on the side of building. He looked around, checking to see if the coast was clear, and finally gave him a thumbs up. Chuck ran to a nearby building and took cover. Dulcy was above him looking through a pair of binoculars, and gave Sonic a signal with her hands as she did so. Sonic nodded, and waved his hands at Chuck, who ducked in an ally as some guards fly by. Finally, he makes a run for his destination. Meanwhile Dulcy's wings started to act up and started lifting her in the air.

"HEY!" she said and got hold of herself. "OOF! Whew, I better cut out the chocolate."

Meanwhile two bots were flying down the street.

"Perimeter sweep report. Sub sector 3-Dash-Bravo clear." a robot said.

Then the robots flew off, and Chuck ran up to a locked door. He pulled out a device and hacked it open, setting off an alarm. Sonic met him there, and Chuck pulled out a screw driver and walked over to barred vent.

In the Control room Snively saw the alarm, and pulled up a video feed, where he spotted Sonic.

"All right! Freedom fighters are number one! Whoo-hoo!" Sonic said.

"Miserable hedgehog...." Snively said and pushed a button and switched over to Robotnik, who's asleep in bed. "I'm sorry to wake you, sir, but we have a hedgehog alert! Sub section 3-Dash-Bravo!"

Robotnik rose out from his covers.

"Very well, Snively. Activate all Mega Muck unites." he said.

Then red droids with nozzles in the front all came to life and sped off.

Back in Robotropolis Chuck was in a new location, as he's re-attaching the hatch. As sirens started to go off, he let out a whistle. Back to Sonic, who had a series of lasers shot at him, which was his cue to run.

"Code blue. In pursuit of hedgehog sector delta niner-" a robot said.

Meanwhile Robotnik was out of bed and in a purple robe with black slippers walking into the control room.

"-heading North East. Hedgehog now bearing 3-0-0-sector Victor Zulu." the robot said.


"This time, you are mine, hedgehog!" Robotnik said.

In Robotropolis Sonic continued racing through the streets, as the Mega Muck robots head him off. Dulcy saw the ambush.

"Uh-oh! Trouble!" she said.

Sonic came to a stop.

"Woah! Doh, bummer!" he said and stopped for a second, then started to speed around, causing a huge tornado. "Look like it's bowling for Swat-bots time!" he said then the huge forces sucked them all in, and threw them aside. "STRIKE!"

Then a new set of robots showed up.

"Ahhh, so many hover heads, and so little time. OUTTA HERE!" he said and blast off, and Dulcy saw the whole thing.

"Woah! GO SONIC!" she said.

Eventually, Sonic ran into a spot of trouble as a bigger set of bots head him off.

"Huh!?" Dulcy said.

Then the robots started firing Mega Muck at Sonic, and he found himself neck deep in it.

"Oh MAN! Mega Muck...." he said and a ship landed just ahead of him. "I smell a BIG bald guy." he said as Robotnik stepped out, still in his robe and slippers. "A big UGLY bald guy! Yo Robuttnik, cool jammies!"

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