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Years Later

"Okay buddy, come on get dressed. Mommy has to go somewhere and you're coming with." The girl says to her son, waking him up and gathering clothing for him to use for the day.

"Where are we going?" He asked her.

"Mommy has to finish singing her songs today so people can listen to them and tell me they like it." She told him.

She gathers the boys necessities like snacks, iPad, drinks, etc. it's gonna be a long day and she doesn't want him to get fussy.


"Let play it back." The girls producer called out to her from the booth. She removed the headphones and listened to her music and see if she needs to improve any parts of it.

"This sounds great!" She said.

"This is your comeback album for sure. Everyone is gonna be running for this album." The guy tells her.

"Mama, are you almost done? I'm hungry." Her son asked, that's when she knows he's starting to get fussy.

"Not quite, but we can take a break right now and stop for some food." She says to her child as she picked him up and carried him to the car.


"Alright baby, it's time for bed." She said to her baby boy and he listened and went to his room and climbed into his bed.



"Where's my daddy?" He asked.

This is what the girl was worried about since birth. She knew eventually her child will start asking about his father, but she didn't have the heart or courage to tell him the truth. But she also couldn't lie.

"Uhm.. he's working."

"Why doesn't he live with us? I never see him around."

"His job requires him to move around and live in other places."

"Oh, okay." He says.

The girl sighs in relief, thankful that the boy didn't question more.

It's not that she doesn't wanna tell him all the great things about his father and the memories him and her both shared, it's the sudden thought of the reason why they're not together that she's scared of telling the boy. She doesn't want the boy to think that his father is a monster and that love is dead.

The girl hopes though that he's doing okay with his life and career. At times she catches herself watching his show, but then turns it off and cries herself to sleep. Between the incident till now, she hasn't move on, she hasn't date or find someone new. She couldn't do that to herself. She couldn't be heartbroken again.

So for the past years, she took a break from her career and put her child first. It was hard in the beginning, but eventually got the hang of it and became the best mother she could to her son.

No matter how broken he made her, she still loves him. She thinks about him and wonders if he moved on from her.

She's kept her son hidden for so long, not even he knows. Will she ever tell him one day? Who knows.

But like she said to him, if the universe really wants us together then time will tell. And that was a hidden promise she made without him knowing.

She looks out her window, up at the night sky and says, "I love you Matthew."

On the other hand

The guy lays awake, holding up a picture and them together with tear stains on his cheek.

Since that day, she hasn't left his mind. The day she walked out his life, is the day she never step foot back in that place. She moved away with no connection to him. He doesn't know where she is or what she's doing.

It worries him, but he hopes she's doing good. Even though it pains him, he hopes that she found someone better and is taking great care of her.

Everyday of his life he thinks of a way to make it up to her or what to say to her if they ever bump into each other. But the universe hasn't scheduled that day for them just yet. But there's not a day goes by that he hopes they'll be together again.

He loves her, still does, never stopped. He just wants her back. He took time to take care of himself and be the better version of himself than the person he was before.

He wonders if she thinks about him. Good thoughts of course.

He regrets everyday.

He remembers the last thing she said to him, "I will never forget you and our memories we shared together. If the universe really wants us together, time will only tell. But please.. I have to go. I need to leave and you need to move on."

He looks at the night sky from his window and hopes he sees a shooting star so he can wish the universe will bring them back together as one.

"I love you Davina."

The End.

He Said | Matthew Gray GublerWhere stories live. Discover now