Heartbreak Album Pt. 3

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Kirsten Vangsness

"Hey, have you guys listened to Davina's new album?" I asked Joe, Thomas, and Shemar when I walked on set. They shook their head.

"I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I can sense that she's going through something." Joe said.

"Yeah, something with the kid." Thomas nod his head towards Matthew. We all looked at the direction his eyes were and see Matthew walking on set.

"And I bet it has to do with miss thang." Shemar replied seeing Margot walking right behind Matthew.

"Do you know something we don't?" Joe asked me. I stayed silent and walked away.

I walk around to find Paget and Aj.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Paget said. I'm trying to catch my breath.

"The guys are on to me."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" Aj asked with confusion. We all sat down as I explained.

"I asked them if they listened to Davina's album and they said yes and they have a feeling that somethings going on between her and Matthew. And then Matthew and Margot walked on set close by each other and Joe asked me if somethings going on with them and I walked away from them and came looking for you two."

"Okay, okay slow down K. At this point, if the guys suspects something or find out, it's out of our hands. This was bound to slip up some time. It's not your fault." Paget reassured me, making me feel slightly better.

"But what do we do if the guys asks us about them?" I said to them.

"Right now, I can't answer that. Because even though we know, it's not any of our business to let anyone else know. If it slips up, then that's out of our hands." Aj replied. We see Shemar approaching us. Oh no.

"Hey, I know you girls have your girl code and all, and I respect that. But you know Davina is part of our family just as much as Matthew. So.. is there something going on between him and Dee?" He asked. We all look at each other, not wanting to admit it.

Paget spoke up for us, "we can't say. It's mainly between Matthew and her, not us. If anything, I think Matthew should be the one to answer that for you." He nodded and walked away.

I let out a breath of relief.

"You think he's gonna ask him?" I asked the girls.

"Better yet, is Matthew gonna tell the truth or lie?" Aj said.

Matthew Gray Gubler

I'm currently going over my lines for today's scenes and Shemar, Joe, and Thomas approaches me.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I told them.

"Just wanted to see how you are doing?" Thomas

"I'm good. Yeah, I'm good."

"And things with Davina?" Joe asked. I was in shock. I didn't know what to say. So I just stood there and looked down. Shemar puts his hand on my shoulder and I looked back up.

"I listened to her album man, and it doesn't sound too good. Not good as in her music sucks, I mean not good as in emotionally. You know she's just as much part of this crew as much as you are. So I'm gonna ask you.. is something going on between you and Dee?" When he said that, my eyes starts to cloud my vision with tears waiting to shed. He pulled me into him and they fell like a river flow.

"I've been so horrible to her." I said into his shoulder. "She doesn't deserve the pain that I'm causing her." I pulled away and started confessing.

"It all started when her manager arranged the international tour, causing our wedding to be postpone. When she told me the news, I was so mad and I don't even know why or where it came from. I didn't even try and sit down and talk to her about it. So that night, I left and went to the bar and met up with Margot. Of all people to talk to, I went to her. It didn't even dawn on me to call Kirsten, Paget, or Aj. And that's when she said she liked me and told me about a proposition. Which was to sneak around with her behind Davina's back and I was stupid enough to go through with it."

"So let me get this straight. You cheated on your girlfriend/fiancé of 10 years for a girl that's been working with us for a year over an argument that you and Dee had?" Joe said, getting slightly irritated. I nodded with disappointment.

"How long has this been going on?" Thomas asked.

"Since she left for tour." I replied.

Shemar asked, "And is this fling you got going, still happening?" I nodded.

"God, you're in too deep already. Does she know?" Joe said.


"Are you gonna tell her?" Thomas says.

"I don't know."

"You're gonna have to. I mean you're set to marry her soon." Shemar told me.

"I can't tell her. Imagine how heartbroken she's gonna be and we're getting married that's supposed to be the happiest days of our lives." I said to all of them.

"That pretty much is already ruined. And you can't just not tell her, she needs to know. You got into this mess and you knew from the start what you were getting yourself into and the consequences that you have to deal with including losing Davina. I don't wanna sound like a cold hearted person, but if she stays with you despite what you've done to her, that's a shame to her. Cause at this point in life, she can do better than you and need someone who's not gonna destroy her. So get your act together and do the right thing man." Shemar said to me. He patted my shoulder and they all left me alone.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.

I gotta do the right thing.

But I can't see myself without Davina in my life.

Why did I have to screw things up?

I gotta make it right.

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