Telling The Parents

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The next day

Davina Hayes

"Ugh I don't feel so good." I said as I got up from Paget's couch. I see the girls all spread out  in the living room and they're moaning and groaning too.

I get up and freshen myself up in the bathroom. I took a nice hot shower, brushed my teeth, sober myself up, and got ready for the day.

I'm currently making coffee for the girls and myself and I grab my phone off the counter and I turn it on. The first thing I see is my screensaver and suddenly, the event of yesterday clouds my brain.

I try my very hardest not to cry and just stay strong. I unlock my phone and called my mom. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Hey honey, how are you? How was the tour?"

"It was great mom!"

"Ugh you're so lucky you're young and living your life! And you get to travel to new and exciting places. The only place I get to travel is to the grocery store with your father." She said and I laughed. I heard my father grumbling at her in the background.

"How are you and Matthew? You guys ready for the wedding. Also, thank your mother because she is a miracle worker and got your guys wedding postpone like you asked." She said so happily, but that just made me think about the reason I called her.

There was silence between the call and my mother noticed something.

"Honey, you there? What's wrong?" She asked. I started to cry.

"Mama." I said.

"Davina Opal, now you tell me right now. What's going on?" And that's when I told her.

"We have to cancel the wedding."

"What? Why baby?" She asked with concern. I started to cry more.

"I caught Matthew in bed with another woman." I finally said, I heard her gasp.

"That mother- what happened?" She said with anger.

"Yesterday evening, he was supposed to pick me up from the airport, but he didn't. I reminded him days before and I called him multiple times, but he didn't answer. So I caught a taxi home and when I entered the apartment I saw his clothes and women's clothes scattered on the floor leading up to the bedroom and the door was open a bit so I peaked in and they were under the covers." I choked up and broke down.

"Okay honey, that's enough. You don't have to explain yourself anymore I got it. I'm sorry this happened to you baby. I wish you didn't have to go through the pain. I swear when I see that bastard-" my mom was saying, but got cut off by my dad, asking what's going on. And I can hear my mom explaining to my dad.

My dad told my mom to give him the phone and he spoke to me.

"Baby girl." He said.

"Dad." I whispered, still choked on my tears.

"Now don't cry. That boy is not worth them tears you got running down your face okay. He's a prick for wrecking my baby's heart and for 10 years of your life you gave him the world and what does he got to show? Nothing. Now wipe them tears up and pick your crown up cause it seems to be falling off your pretty little head." He said and I laughed.

"Thanks dad. At the end of the day, I can always count on you and mom. You're the only ones I need in my life."

"You know your mama and I will always be there for our one and only. Ain't nothing changing about that."

"That's for sure." I heard my mom said in the background.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She asked me.

"Well for now, I'm gonna act like nothing happened. I'm gonna go back home and live with him and just go about my day and work on myself and my career. I can't let this fault weigh me down and leave me be depressed all the time. If he managed to move on so quickly, I gotta do the same." I told them.

"Oh honey you can't do that to yourself. Why don't you come home for a bit? We haven't seen you in a while and we miss you a lot. Just a couple of days." She said.

"I miss you guys too. And you know what, I will. I'll see if there's any available flights today. I don't really have to pack, I have my luggage of clothes with me."

"Sounds good to me! I'll start making your favorite and your father will make sure your room is ready for you to sleep in." My mom said.

"Oh her room is fine, nobody goes in there." my dad said.

"Alright, I'm gonna start looking at flight departures and let you guys know when I'm flying in."

"Alright baby, you get here safely. We love you."

"I love you both." I hung up the phone and checked the coffee and saw that it was done so I poured myself a cup and started drinking it.

The girls was slowly getting up, probably because the coffee aroma was in the air.

"Is that coffee I smell?" I heard Paget say.

"Yes, fresh out the pot." I announced to them and they all stood up and head to the kitchen.

"You're a saint." Aj said.

"Eh, I'm not too bad." I shrugged my shoulders and drank the rest of my coffee.

"Soo.. are you gonna see him today?" Kirsten broke the silence.

"Yeah. I've decided to stay with my parents for a bit to clear my head and because I haven't seen them in a while." I told them.

"Did you tell them?" Aj asked and I nodded.

"How did they take it?"

"Not very well. My mom practically wants to beat the shit outta him and my dad.. well let's just say he's trying his hardest in keeping his cool."

"Well I mean it's understandable." Paget said.

"Yeah.. well I'm gonna head out."

"You gonna be okay?"

"I have to face him sooner or later you guys. I can't run and hide from him, he's technically still my fiancé." They all nodded and gave me a hug and wished me luck.

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