
508 15 11

May 2007
Los Angeles, California

Davina Hayes

Here I am on set of Criminal Minds, Matthew is filming today and he invited me to tag along. Mostly because the cast wanted to see me since the last time we all hung out was when Matthew and I got engaged.

I'm currently sitting in Matthews chair, behind the cameras while he's filming a scene. God, he is so sexy. Is it weird that sometimes when we have sex, we roleplay that he's his character, Spencer Reid? Hearing him spit out facts turns me on.

He's currently filming a scene with Margot Robbie, she's new to the season.

"And cut! Okay guys, take a lunch." The director said as everyone stopped what they're doing and headed out. I see Margot and Matthew talking from a distance and I'm watching her and seeing her body language and her hand caressing his shoulder. Does she not know that I exist or does she not care? Matthew doesn't seem to notice, he probably think she's just being nice.

"I know that look." AJ said as she stands beside me and observe the scene in front of us. "Don't worry about it and look into it, Matthew knows his boundaries and he loves you for christ sake. You guys are getting married in four months. Plus, she's not even a looker." She said, trying to make me feel better. She gave me a hug and left.

I got up from the chair and called him over.

"Hey babe, let's go grab something to eat before you have to go back to filming." He jogged up to me and I instantly kissed him so she gets what I'm throwing at her. We pulled away and I gave her a smirk and we walked off set.

"What was that for?" He asked curiously. We barely show PDA out in public, let alone on set.

"I can't kiss my fiancé out in public anymore? Is it a crime?" I said.

"It's not, but I know that you do that to get someone off your back. So what's bothering you?" He stopped walking and stood in front of me.

"It's just that new girl you was shooting that scene with. I saw the way she looked at you and she was feeling up your arm." I told him. I don't usually feel insecure about other girls around him, but it's just something with this girl gives me an uneven feeling.

"Who, Margot? She's harmless. And she has a boyfriend, she said." He reassured.

"I have a bad feeling about her.-" He cut me off.

"You're overreacting, just drop it. I don't have time for this right now so drop it." He said, annoyed and walking into the restaurant.

Geez, what's up his ass?

Matthew Gray Gubler

After lunch, I had to go back to on set and finish up filming scenes. I feel bad for blowing up on Davina like that, but I just dislike when she gets insecure about another girl. We've been together for 10 years already, she should know by now that I'm not leaving her for someone else. We're getting married in a couple months, I wouldn't be this committed if I wasn't serious about her. As I walk up to the bullpen set, I see Margot sitting at my desk. She sees me and stands up.

"Hey, after shooting, you wanna get a drink together? My treat." She said as she caress my arm up and down. I feel a chill down my spine and shook her hand off my arm.

"Actually, I have to get home to Davina." I told her. She glances into my eyes and pouts.

"Come on, it'll just be one innocent drink. I think she'll understand." She says looking at me up and down, trying to convince me, but it's not working.

I shook my head and she sighed.

"If you change your mind, just text me." She whispered in my ear, glided her hand from my chest, all the way to my nether regions and walked away.

I gulped.

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