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Davina Hayes

I landed home. I didn't tell my parents because I kinda wanted it to be a surprise even though they know I was coming. But oh well.

Matthew hasn't tried to get in contact with me. He's probably busy with her.

I open the front door and put my things on the floor.

"Honeyyy, I'm home!" I shouted throughout the house. I hear the click clack sound of heels echoing and I see my mom running up to me from the kitchen, giving me a big hug.

"Oh, my baby! My baby's home." My mom mumbled against my shoulder. I started to feel wetness and she pulled away and I see that she's crying.

"Oh mama, don't cry." I said to her. Then I started to cry.

"My babygirl is home." My dad says as he exits the kitchen and greet me by the door as well.

"We missed you. I told you to let us know when your flight was coming in so we could pick you up."

"I wanted to surprise you guys, even though you knew I was coming." We all shared a laugh. My parents guided me to the kitchen.

"Well, we made your favorite. Let's eat!" My mom said as we all sat around the dining table as a family again.


"That was really good, mom and dad. Thank you for dinner." I said to them as I help clean up the dining table and put the dishes in the sink to wash.

"No problem baby doll, anything for you." My dad said as he pulled me to him and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He then looks at me and I see sorrow in his eyes.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"I just don't know what was going through that boys head to hurt you so bad." He said.

"Dad, I'm fine. Honestly, it was bound to happen some time in our relationship. We've been together for 10 years, no one else. Sooner or later he was bound to get bored of me."

"But did this really have to happen when you're soon to get married?" I looked down. I wish it didn't happen all together.

"We can't control time and when things happen." I said and I shed a tear. My dad pulls me into his arms.

"Honey, let's all sit down in the living room and talk about this." My mom suggested. We nodded and walked to the living room and sat on the couch together.

"So what do you plan on doing? You can't go back there."

"I'm gonna have to." They gave me a stern look.

"It's obvious that he's not gonna tell me what he did and I have to be rational about this."

"And what's rational is going back to that cheater?" My dad said, raising his voice.

"Now, Steven I'm sure she has a plan. Don't get all butt hurt. What were you gonna say sweet pea?"

"As I was saying, I'm gonna go back to him. Not back to him, like lovey dovey, at this point I can't even stand him nor be in the same room with him. I'm gonna act like I don't know anything and everythings normal. It's gonna be hard, but I can't let this affect me and my everyday life. I have a career to focus on and that's more important at the moment. Yes, I'm still hurt, but I have to be strong for myself."

"Why don't you just move back in with us? We barely see you and we miss you so much." My dad suggested.

"As much as I would love that dad, I can't. He's gonna know somethings up."

"Oh, but Opal, you can't stay with him forever and just live with the fact that he's gonna continue doing this to you." My mom said, caressing my arm.

"I know mom. Eventually when I feel like its the right time, I'm gonna tell him that I know and I'll leave him. But deep down.. I still love him, despite what he's done." I explained to the both of them.

We grouped hug. I laid my head on my moms shoulder while the both held me and comforted me.

"Well no matter what happens, just know that our door is always open to you baby doll." My dad told me. I nodded.

"I love you both."

"We love you too sweetie." My mom replied.

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