Shady Pt. 2

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Davina Hayes

"It was her you guys, I swear. I could smell her perfume in the air and I don't forget a person's hair color. I can't get her face outta my head." I said to Paget, Kirsten, and Aj as we're all at Paget's house. As soon as Paget picked me up, I broke down in her car.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this." Kirsten says as she comes and sits next to me and comfort me. I just continue to cry, it hurts so much.

"We're here for you, sweetie." Aj said.

"Can you guys promise me one thing?" I asked them, they all nodded.

"I know it's gonna be hard, but can you PLEASE not treat him differently when you see him?-" Someone cut me off.

"But he hurt-" Kirsten started saying, but I cut her off.

"Yes, I know he hurt me. But I don't want him to suspect anything. So when you guys are working together, just pretend you don't know anything, pretend nothing happened. I will find a way to cope with this and go about my day as well. It's gonna be very hard to go back there and see him, but I have to be strong for myself and just distance from him and keep me distracted from breaking down." I told them. They all agreed with me.

"What does this mean for your wedding?" Paget asked me. I sighed and tried not to break down again.

"As of right now, and it's just between us, the wedding is off." I started breaking down. "I can't marry a cheater and I definitely can't marry someone who keeps secrets from me. We've been together for a decade, I guess this is a sign that we both need a fresh start with a fresh face." I said as tears stream down my face, staring blankly at whatevers in front of me.

"I feel numb, so numb. It's like I can't feel anymore."

"Oh honey, it's just brand new information. You'll feel again. Just gotta let this pass first and take things one day at a time." Kirsten said as she rubs my shoulder for comfort.

I gasped, "Oh my god! What am I gonna tell my mom? How am I supposed to tell her? And especially my dad. Oh god."

"You don't have to tell them right away, just wait a day or two or maybe couple days till you're ready." Aj told me and I nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's stop being all depressed and shit and let's go out and have fun! Let's forget our troubles for tonight." Kirsten stood up, followed by Aj and Paget. They grabbed my arms and pulled me up off the couch and searched my luggage for an outfit to wear.

"Now you are going to wear this," Kirsten threw the outfit at me and I laughed, "and we are gonna get really drunk and have a great girls night out! As of tonight, we are declared single, for Davina's sake." we all huddled in a group hug.

"I love you guys!" I said as my phone started ring and I pulled it out my pocket and looked at the contact name.

Fiance <3

Matthew Gray Gubler

I released myself in the condom and laid beside Margot and threw the condom in the trash bin beside the bed.

"Oh god, I don't think I'm gonna get used to feeling this good during sex." She said and laughed. I'm trying to catch my breath.

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