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Slowly feeling conscious again Jisung began to open his eyes.

Something felt different.

He pushed himself up, so that he would hold his weight on his elbows as he looked around.

Everything was white. The... Room or wherever he was in seemed to not have an ending at all. It seemed endless. Empty. Cold.

"You're awake?"

Jisung jolted up. His heart hammered against his chest as he tried to calm himself down.

He turned to the calming, deep voice behind him and took the picture infront of him in.

There stood a boy around his age, a little bit taller than him with light blonde hair and a sharp jawline. His clothes were plain white, just as their surroundings.

The unknown boy smiled slightly at Jisung, who soon realized that he was staring and coughed a little bit.

"Where am I?", Jisung asked and looked around himself again as if something would have suddenly changed.

"That's a good question... I don't really know", the unknown boy answered. "I'm Felix, though. Nice to meet you"

Felix reached out his hand toward Jisung as he waited for him to take it.

Jisung slowly shook Felix's hand but pulled away shortly after as if the other would poison him.

"Jisung.", he quickly answered. "What is this here?"

"As I said, I don't really know... But what I know is that I now am not alone any longer..."

Taking his time to think a little bit on what to say next, Felix looked up and spoke up again.

"I think we are here because our physical bodies are in a coma. Or at least mine is. I don't know about you..."

"You see, I am able to watch my body laying in the hospital bed when my boyfriend, family and friends or whoever comes visiting."

"I had a car accident and now I am here since... I don't really know... 3 weeks?"

"3 WEEKS?", Jisung shouted. "Is this like... Heaven?... I thought it was more... Special"

Felix looked at Jisung and chuckled lightly.

"I think it's the 'waiting room'. I've never seen anybody here so it's nice having some company. If this was heaven my body would be dead by now but well... It's still alive"

Sighing, Jisung slowly turned away from the handsome boy and walked away.

The sad male kept walking, not realizing that Felix was following him, until something caught his eyes.

In the plain white desert there was a railing. Jisung walked up there, gripping the cold metal and looked down.

A stray tear escaped his eye and fell down his cheek at the sight below him.

There was his body laying in a hospital bed, a breathing mask on and his arm was stitched up so that it wouldn't lose any more blood.

Next to the bed stood the vital signs monitor, slowly beeping in hope the weak body would survive the experienced immense blood loss.

Jisung broke down. He cried and cried and couldn't stop. His hands gripped tighter around the metal of the railing and his knuckles turned as white as his surroundings.

From behind he suddenly felt arms capturing him, bringing him into a tight, warm and comforting hug.

Felix crouched down and turned Jisung around as the slightly smaller boy clenched himself onto him and cried into his shoulder.

"Why didn't it work? I was so sure I cut deep enough, I felt my body dying, why is my heart still beating??"

Jisung merciless kept crying, gripping tighter onto Felix who kept the hurt boy safely in his arms.

Felix was shocked. More than shocked you could say.

He never thought a person could be so desperate to die, he couldn't imagine the pain the boy held inside of himself that he was so desperate for salvation.

"Shh... It's okay, I'm here. You're not alone, Jisung."

Even though he wanted to know what was going on inside of the crying boy, he knew better than asking him and rather tried to comfort him. Which actually helped a little; Jisung was still crying but he was able to breath properly again.

The words meant way more to him than Felix could imagine. After all those years of being in pain silently he heard the words of comfort for the first time. For once he didn't feel completely alone. For once he felt comforted, safe even.

It took a few minutes, but Jisung finally was able to pull away from Felix. He wiped his tears off his face, not daring to look the taller boy in his eyes.

"Jisung, look at me"

Felix carefully lifted Jisung's face by his chin and looked at him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Taking in the others words, Jisung slowly shook his head.

"Not now. Thank you though." The boy sniffed and turned around.

He again looked at his seemingly lifeless body, noticing all his flaws. The way his eyes looked swollen, his arm wrapped up in a bandage, his skin as pale as a corpse and big eyebags under his eyes. His hair was oily and messy and the color of the hospital clothing didn't even look good on him.

"You're cute"

Jisung turned around again.


"I said you're cute"

Jisung scoffed. He hated lies. In his mind he always knew, or at least thought he knew, that he was ugly. The way he ate, his chubby cheeks, his body, his voice, his smile, his eyes, everything. He hated everything about himself.

"I'm being genuine", Felix added and flashed him a smile.

"I like your cheeks. You remind me of a squirrel."

Jisung didn't answer. He silently stared at Felix, back at his body and them again at Felix.

"Yeah okay, you might not look like you're in the best state down there, but you're actually really cute"

With that being said a sad smile crept onto the smaller boys lips.

"Thank you"


This was the second chapter of this story, hope you'll like it^^
I'm not sure where this story will go but I'm probably going to introduce a few other characters in the next chapter.

In this chapter you've got to know Felix. He had a car accident 3 weeks ago and now finally has company.

Why do you think Jisung is his 'partner' in this lonely waiting room?

I totally definitely did not under any circumstances forget to post this today-

Waiting Room   [𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕘]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin