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A few days later, Felix ran up towards Jisung.

Something was different though... Jisung could literally see through the other one.

He was so confused. Everything went so fast, he became anxious, scared even.

"Felix what... What is happening?"

A tear strolled down Felix's cheek. He smiled at Jisung. Even though you could see that he was happy, you could also see the pain in his eyes. It broke Jisung's heart.

"Jisung... I'm waking up, I saw my body move just now", the younger one hugged Jisung tightly. He buried his head into the others neck and sobbed.

"I'm finally waking up again, I'm so sorry I'm leaving you behind, thank you for keeping me company"

Jisung ran his hand through the other one's hair. Of course he also began crying. Just the thought of being left alone was too much. He didn't want to be alone. Not anymore. It would be even lonelier, wasn't he already lonely enough?

But at the same time the smaller one was happy for the blonde male. Felix deserved to finally wake up. He was stuck here for way too long. Finally Felix could move on with his life.

"Congratulations Lix. Please visit me one time, okay?"

They both looked at each other, sobbing. Throughout this whole time together they grew to be really close friends, they told each other everything, they trusted each other immensely. Even though it's only been around 2 weeks it felt like they knew each other since forever.

If they only knew each other sooner. Maybe things would've gone different? Not only for Felix but also for Jisung. The taller one seemed like a true friend. He made the fragile boy feel happy, something only Minho was able to do. 

And now he possibly would never see him ever again.

"Please don't forget me, Lix", said Jisung with a smile, tears still streaming down his face.

The blonde boy smiled and wiped Jisung's as well as his own tears. 

"I would never... Please wake up again so we can meet up one day, okay?"

Jisung nodded. "I promise"

Again this promise... Why do you always promise something you maybe cannot keep?

Slowly Felix faded even more. Both boys held onto each other as if their lives depended on it. Happy tears for Felix that he could wake up again and sad tears that they have to leave each other. Both kinds streamed out of both's eyes.


Until Jisung fell forwards. 

He tried to grab the other boy again, in need to feel his warmth, in need to know they'll meet again.

His eyes opened and he ran towards Felix's railing. He looked down onto the boy who slowly opened his eyes and cracked out a smile.

"I LOVE YOU", Jisung screamed and shed even more tears.

He knew Felix couldn't hear him, but  according to his smile and the silent tear that strolled down his left cheek he remembered the lonely boy.

Again, the railing and the view onto Felix's bedroom faded. Slowly the voices of the doctors became muffled.

The last thing he saw was Changbin running into the room towards Felix, pushing himself through the others and quickly hugged the freckled boy, who weakly returned the hug. 

Then, it all disappeared.

Jisung was alone again.

Alone in this room.

Alone with his thoughts.

Alone with his feelings

Alone for an unknown time.

And he didn't know how to handle it.

He was scared.





Everything but nothing at the same time.

He made his way over to his own railing and slid down onto the floor.

What was he supposed to do now?


My creativity is being a bitch again.
Like, I know how I want the story to go, I know how I want it to end but I don't have an idea on how to get there without making it seem rushed >.<

That's also why this chapter is that short. Idk, I get inspiration and creativity when I'm going through tough times but these last days I had either a too good mood or it was so bad that quite literally everything caused a panic attack so I wasn't really able to write...

Hope I'll find a way to finish this without making it too rushed.

Please tell me if it seems rushed or if I have put spelling or grammar mistakes, I'll correct them as soon as possible!!

Thanks for reading tho, I appreciate it 💕

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